todays card is the HIEROPHANT:
tradition isn't always the best way to go just for the sake of tradition. mayhaps it's a way to control the next generation by endoctrinating them into your own brand of dogma, but it's time to break those cha...ins and decide what works for you and your truth. if it feels stifiling and oppressive it is!
now not all tradition is bad but it's ok to question the status quo and try something new. whats the worst that could happen? you find out you like the old way because it works but you've still gained perspective and you'll gain an understanding of those who came before you. if you never venture from the well worn path then you are doomed to repeat the mistakes of those who came before you............and let me say this is Jesus, Allah, Buddha, and all the other people who founded religions didn't take a chance then we'd still be cowering in the dark afraid to embrace the sacred , now wouldn't that be a scray place to dwell!
so stop living in the past and playing those perpetual reruns and write yourself a new script, be the master of your own destiny!
tradition isn't always the best way to go just for the sake of tradition. mayhaps it's a way to control the next generation by endoctrinating them into your own brand of dogma, but it's time to break those cha...ins and decide what works for you and your truth. if it feels stifiling and oppressive it is!
now not all tradition is bad but it's ok to question the status quo and try something new. whats the worst that could happen? you find out you like the old way because it works but you've still gained perspective and you'll gain an understanding of those who came before you. if you never venture from the well worn path then you are doomed to repeat the mistakes of those who came before you............and let me say this is Jesus, Allah, Buddha, and all the other people who founded religions didn't take a chance then we'd still be cowering in the dark afraid to embrace the sacred , now wouldn't that be a scray place to dwell!
so stop living in the past and playing those perpetual reruns and write yourself a new script, be the master of your own destiny!

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