Monday, April 29, 2013

gay tarot day 49............6 of swords

the 6 of swords is obligation and satusfaction. you are taking on the promise of responsibility of those not family by blood. this is a debt of honor you have accepted and they will be as family. though the task may seem daunting but you will find unexpected joy in the situation. this card is very much the heart of the gay lifestyle. where so many are ostracised from their birth family we are a circle of love and protection that the rest of the world shall never truly understand. the family of friends are those that allow the gay community to survive and thrive! so accept the gift/responsibility with a open heart and open arms!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

gay tarot day 48.................sage of swords

sage of swords, this is the king someone who has lived,not young. he is a VERY fair man. this man is in authority either an actual judge, boss, or dad. you WILL answer to him. he is willing to listen even when it's outside his comfort zone and he will make a fair and partial judgement after he weighs all the facts. if representing an actual person in your life he's usually brown headed.
he may take having been lied to as an affront so coming out to him will be rough, but his wrath/pain are tempered with mercy and he will understand eventually, even if he's still hurt by your deception.

gay tarot day 47..............10 of swords

the 10 of swords is sharp and to the point just like the knife in your back! it is a betrayal by those closest to you, it's not your enemies you needs be concerned with it's your "friends"

Saturday, April 27, 2013

gay tarot day 46.............8 of wands

the 8 of wands are magical energy that "spark" you feel that stirs you to your depths. this is a gift from the Gods when reason and sense leave and you just want to have sex, with one or more than one. this spark is so hot you may have all the boys in your yard or mayhaps that one who always seemed unattainable cause right now you are irresistable!

Friday, April 26, 2013

gay tarot day 45...............justice

in the gay tarot justice is VIII in the regular tarot it's XI? lol anywho relatively same meaning. right prevails and will be perceived, represents the perfect balance between right and wrong. may represent having legal issues or a court appearence, and in light of the current debate could very well equal legalized marraige for gay couples. this energy is definately trancendental and may also mean professional review. justice is always tempered within the framework of the prevailing society and as of now the scales are beginning to swing our way!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

gay tarot day 44........4 of coins

the four of coins represents a miserly person obsessed with his "treasure". a cheapskate who always gets by on others dime whenever possible (even if he does it charmingly as cap'n jack does! lol)
if you're looking at any business venture and this card comes up run the other way! if you are frivilous it may also be a warning to hold more tightly to your money.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

gay tarot day 43............4 of wands

the 4 of wands is the party card of tarot! its celebrating joy of community and thats never more true than in gay pride events, dances, etc etc. it is a celebration of intent and purpose with people from all walks of life.you should attend with joy in your heart and join in the festivities, this aint for wallflowers................for the blah meaning it's a blessed celebration with 50 or more attending and it usually has a theme.

Monday, April 22, 2013

gay tarot day 42...........the protector

the protector would be the empress in the regular tarot and he fills many of the same roles. someone young or young at heart with a childlike outlook on life. brillinat but not neccesarily wise, tends to be and to remain naive. for women the empress is fertility and motherhood for the protector it means always being surrounded by children. i myself have always had an affinity for this path. i helped raise godchildren. i used to always take my friends kids everywhere and i've been living in a home with children since i moved to de. 1st with a friend with 2 kids and for the last 6 years in a house that originally had 5 kids (two have since moved and the other 3 are teens now) but i just found out another two friends are expecting and "uncle" tim is ready.
this is the guy everyone should have in their childrens lives. he shows them art and culture but also rolls around on the floor playing pony. this card is all about sharing love with young and as he ages he still mentors all around him, a true blessing in the peoples lives lucky enough to know him.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

gay tarot day 41..........guide of cups

guides are like knights, they're the bringers of sudden change. in this case emotional change. and whilst that may not be easy or wanted, it's a fresh new start. the opportunity here is to let go of old emotional habits and patterns and mayhaps allow new one that are of your higher good come into play.
as an archetypical personality this is the sir gallahad type, the hopeFULL romantic (nothing is hopeless!) an idealistic seeker of truth and beauty and a beautiful soul (and body) themselves. oftentimes if for a person they're fair haired and skinned.
so let the water wash awaythe old and dive into the new, the waters warm and waitin for you!

gay tarot day 40............10 of cups

the 10 of cups represents your emotional wishes and for many gay couple that dream is a family of thier own. this card is the fruition of your greatest desire and for gay men until very recently it was unattainable if you were out. many states still prohibit adoption or foster care by gays. with surrogates or by adoption that long held dream is a reality for many. ricky martin and neil patrick harris are power-gays who have opted for children, and gay men especially have so much love to share having been denied that in thier own home life. when the 10 of cups shows up you better paint the nursery it's about to happen!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

gay tarot day 39...........3 of cups

the three graces of hope, charity, and faith offer you a joyful reunion with those you love. it's a fun social time with people who are more than family. mayhaps those who saw the wonder in you when you didnt. this is a gift so enjoy it and make merry!

Friday, April 19, 2013

gay tarot day 38..........ace of swords

the ace of swords brings just new beginnings. you may be dealing with governmental systems but have courage and stay your ground and take the higher path which leads to true justice. now is not the time to worry or backdown you shall be triumphant as long as you do what you know to be right.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

gay tarot day 37.........4 of cups

the 4 of cups is the petulant princess of tarot. he has everything thing he could possibly want but chooses to focus on the impossible things he doesnt have. emotionally a bit disconnected and a whiner. he's very conceited and totally egotystical. no matter what he's offered, including the world, he'll never be satisfied because he has nary a clue as to what he actually wants and lacks the commitment to figure it out thus he shall always remain unsatisfied. if this is you seriously consider some soul searching and if this is your man unless you're a glutton for punishment RUN!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

gay taort day 36.................4 of swords

you need to slow down and meditate, and pay attention to those litte aches and pains which are the bodies way of letting you know something is going on if you don't you'll wind up flat on your back and to sick to do anything. let the body heal its self and you'll soon be fit as a fiddle and ready to go back and fight the good fight.

Monday, April 15, 2013

gay tarot day 35..................ace of wands


there is a new direction energetically. it may be an awakening of a spiritual nature but the lifeforce/chi shall be directed in the area it needs to be. there is no hidden agenda to any offers at this time. this mayhaps be a job offer doin something you love or even a new sexual/emotional relationship. either way now is the time to make the most of any opportunities and go for it 100% with no fear or hesitation.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

gay tarot day 34.............2 of coins

the 2 of coins is all about finacial balance. are you "robbing" peter to pay paul? do you live paycheck to paycheck or mayhaps you don't quite make it each week, living high for the 1st few days then eating ramen noodles the rest just to get by. it's all about balance as you let go of the fear and allow prosperity into your life you shall find it's easier than you would have ever thought to make ends meet and not only get by but to thrive. as with anything involving finances there are gonna be ups and downs you need to enjoy your life and go with the flow finacially. if you stop feelin desperate then the universe will respond. i KNOW i'll be ok no matter what because i always am..................

Saturday, April 13, 2013

gay tarot day 33...............the hermit

the hermit is not about being physically alone, we all know you can be in a room ful of people and alone in the universe. the hermit is about a quest for truth, wisdom, and for gay men oftentimes acceptance and self love. sometimes the search can become frantic, i'm sure we all know someone who moves from relationship to relationship, failure to failure because they choose the same dynamic time after time. that's because until you love yourself 100% unconditonally you can't truly love another. often times we're so afraid to be alone because looking in makes us confront those demons we've kept buried for so long. the picked on boy in gym, the fat kid no one liked, the disappointment your family covered you in, religious sins, etc etc. and i'm here to tell you you can have 100 lovers, and 1000 tricks, and be the life of every party and still not love yourself. it's a lesson i personally had to deal with. anytime anyone was attracted to me in anything other than purely physical i freaked and drove them quickly away. i didnt feel i deserved to be loved, after all i'm an abomination right? lol
good golly i wish i'd have embraced the hermit 20 years earlier because he teaches you that all the answers we frantically seek from the world around us are within you already. you must shine the light inward into those dark buried recesses of your soul, mayhaps not visited in decades for it is there that the truth lies. the answers to all your problems has always been you. do not shy away from doin this highly personal work, you must examine everything warts and all, dear heart simply let it go and let God/Spirit if it's something beyond your control. we do not have the right to judge others and they have no right to judge you so just be sure what you do is of your higher good. you deserve to be happy and whole and even if you're alone on the top of a mountain you ARE the world and that IS enough!

Friday, April 12, 2013

gay tarot day 32..............ace of cups

you've done it, the obstacles are gone and you're at the brink of a brand new begining. can you feel it in the air, the world is ripe with promise. you're fate has smiled upon you. something special is about to happen on an emotional level. a new relationship, promotion, marraige, baptism, whatever it is this is special and a celebration is in order. revel in this newfound joy there's plenty of time to worry later!

gay tarot day 31..............5 of cups

the 5 of cups is about a loss or the ending of something. it is feeling gloom , despair, and misery after an emotional loss. the "crying over spilt milk" , mourning a loss to the exclusion of what you still have. this is an important sign that you need to pick yourself up dust yourself off and get on with life. pull the boot straps while wearing your big boy underoos! you must focus on the things you still have and work to enhance those areas of your life. so you broke all the dishes, why not make a lovely mosaic out of the shards!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

gay tarot day 30...........10 of coins

the ten of pentacles is a family gathering of 3 or more generations for gays the 10 of coins is all about those who came before u and honoring their sacrifice and determination for making a better world for us. we need to embrace our past to ensure our future. the gay world tends to be youth fixated and that needs to change. remember stonewall, remember the guys who used to be beaten or killed just for bein gay. there are many mathew sheppards if you look closely. i would suggest we all google important gays in history and really study it. i'd also reccomend the gay book of days by martin greif for a great history of homos!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

gay tarot day 29............sage of cups

the sage of cups is the wise experienced king..................however he is a tight ass. the archtypical engineer aka the "boring pain in the arse" cups are dealin with emotions and while he may have them dealing with em is an entirely different matter. his rational and feeling mind are often at war. thinking and feeling aint gonna happen simultaniously.  as far as the gay world this is an older quite successful guy who would rather be a sugar daddy and use a youth rather than open up and have a relationship based on openness and trust. he usually has balance issues and tends to be a bore.
a truly brilliant man who simply cant allow others in too close for fear of losing control. this can also in extremes carry over into masochism or sado-masochism.

gay tarot day 28................7 of coins

it's time to reap what you have sown.  make sure that you harvest at the peak of productivity and get the best price. the time frame on this is no longer than a growing season so 6 months at the outside. this is what you've put all that time and labor into, trust that you shall reap the rewards and get all that you put in back PLUS more!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

gay tarot day 27..........the sun

the sun represents the beginning of a new cycle, oftentimes it means a pregnancy for gay men not so much! lolol it can mean that something is born/reborn such a lifelong dream. mayhaps owning your own company or reconnecting with those that had considered you dead. unfortunately many homosexuals know the pain of those you love most abandoning you with nary a goodbye when you come out of the closet or even worse are outed. while that is a crushing blow it allows you the freedom to become who you truly are unencumbered by judgment or concern. this gives you the safety to accomplish anything and mayhaps just mayhaps the tide has turned and those who loved you in the past have realized how barren and empty their lives are without you................if you havent spoken to your family in years/decades this may be the time to reach out. now i'm not advocating showing up uninvited on the doorstep, but rent a po box and send a postcard or  mayhaps a disposable cell phone. be cautiously optomistic for the sun shines new light on old memories at the very least you can rest easy that you tried.

gay tarot day 26...........ace of coins

a new path or direction to prosperity has opened up. this could lead you to the ideal place/situation finacially so go for it. the offer is real , even if it seems it came from nowhere. trust your instincts and allow yourself to take the opportunity and run with it

Saturday, April 6, 2013

gay tarot day 25..............the priest

the priest aka the hierophant. traditinally the priest represents doing things the established way ritually without emotion. he is the channel for Gods divine wisdom. in the gay tarot he is all of that but has evolved and truly does live by the love of Jesus. that is to unconditionally welcome all into his heart and home  (church) he sees no difference in officiating at a gay couples wedding/baptism.etc etc as with any other. he has opened his heart to christ consciousness that allows to see everyone as equal under the lords care.
he truly understands that Christianity is a mutable religion that can and should evolve as humanity does. he's as likely to be at a gay pride parade supporting others struggles and rights as he is at a soup kitchen or mass for that matter. he may have started out representing the old order but he is all about the new order that shall bring us all together.

Friday, April 5, 2013

gay tarot day 24.............9 of wands

you're on gaurd and wary of letting other near because you've been the victim of an attack. for gay men this is a real threat and you must be ever vigilint in staying safe. as we progress in the world and gain more acceptance the forces of ignorance and hatred often push back violently.
often times these attacks scar us to our very core and take years to completely heal.
the fact is unless you put yourself directly in harms way by being an activist or you visit unsafe places the chances are slight of a repeat ocurance.
you need to face the fear inside and let it go. put your life back together and live, otherwises the forces of darkness win. let go and let God/Spirit/Universe whatever the modality may be. make sure to stay grounded and pay attention but do NOT let the past keep you from living a beautiful fulfilling life!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

gay tarot day 23....9 of cups

contentment and happiness, you've earned your success now it's time to enjoy it. finacially and spiritually you have verything in perfect order in your life. the times of stress and upheaval are gone and you can reap the fruits of your labor. bask in the feeling and enjoy it for all it's worth. these times are a gift and should be appreciated and taken advantage of to the umpth dergree!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

gay tarot day 22..........death

death is just the beginning, tis the simple truth, but this card simply means an abrupt ending to a situation or energetic cycle. it seldom refers to death its-self.
life and death are perpetual which is evident though the many rebirth mythologies in almost every major religion. death is also the great equalizer, it affects all exactly the same.
you cant begin anything or move forward without ending the old cycle. instead of mourning for what you might have lost look to the bright new opportunites available to you now. so let go and move forward unafraid.

Monday, April 1, 2013

gay tarot day 21................self hatred

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gay tarot day 20............8 of cups

this ones all about jumping in dear ones, throw that inner tube away and dive into the deep end, you may "think" you're gonna get overwhelmed and be drowning in the newness of it all but fear not the higher purpose you seek is there. you can breath and you are ok.
sometimes losing the security blanket is neccesary, we begin out journey by leaving the security of the womb and though traumatic as it was and as this may be, it's neccesary in oder to achive that higher consciousness you seek.
if you need guidance look to the moon as she is familiar with the water your tread.