Friday, May 31, 2013

chris arthur...past, present, future

for those who don't know a brief explanation.........it's a 10 card spread past present future. the 1st three are past with the fourth bein what is carrying over into the present, thus the 7th card carries over into the future.
PAST= page of cups, the empress, 3 of hearts, 8 of swords
the page of cups is the bearer of emotional news/gifts. he's transformative and serves a higher goal if you listen to him and pay attention but mayhaps you didn't.
brilliant but not wise, very fertile of body and mind. there's a newness and seeming innocence that is very appealing here. it's infatuating but the beauty may cloud your judgment when dealing with them.
3 of SWORDS:
the heartache is real and painful but it shall be fleeting, the problem is already resolving its self . you've lived through the darkness and the sun is about to shine brilliantly. so let it go and move forward the only danger is clinging to the past and letting your memories be bigger than your dreams.
8 of SWORDS:
this is RESTRICTION but it's self imposed. you're doin it to yourself because you're afraid of bein hurt if you let your guard down. take a chance let it go. let yourself LIVE and not just exist. pain is a part of life just as joy and bliss are and it's ok to feel fear as long as you rule it and not the other way around.
 you're beginning to open up and let loose time to break the bonds for good!, the lovers, 10 of cups, 6 of cups
this is the perfect physical, spiritual, emotional union. may or may not be physical but this person completes you.
10 of CUPS:
this is your emotional wish, it's where all your hopes come to fruition. the" pot of gold" at the end of the rainbow is yours for the taking!
6 of CUPS:
this is the richness of those innocent child like emotions. someone who brings out those sweetest childhood memories and the joy and bliss you felt.
that childish happy laughter is still movin you along, 4 of swords, 9 of pentacles, the magician
in the midst of all this happy happy you have to pay attention to your physical well being. make sure if there is a physical issue you take care of it immediately because if you don't you may wind up flat on your back. slow down a bit that candle burnin at both ends can singe you. meditation would be a really good thing and pay attention to your dreams because the answer you need is in them.
this one goes directly back to the 4 of swords. you're comfortable with who you are and with your position in this world but this physical thing is gonna drive you nuts if you let it and it's not that serious just irritating. beware of getting down and depressed keep those fires of happiness stoked cause it's gonna be fine.
the magician can draw universal power he is the male lifeforce.  he's the male who is life and rebirth very powerful, magical, and passionate. however when necessary he can control his passion and let intellect rule his decisions. there may be a time when you need to make a practical decision which isn't perhaps  the easiest  way to go or what you want to do. with power comes responsibility.

jennifer s. past present future

for those who don't know a brief explanation.........it's a 10 card spread past present future. the 1st three are past with the fourth bein what is carrying over into the present, thus the 7th card carries over into the future.
PAST= 5 of cups, ace of swords, the empress, 8 of wands
5 of CUPS:
you've experienced an emotional loss and feelings of gloom, despair, and misery try to overwhelm. the vast loss you felt has tended to overshadow all that you still have. it's like crying over spilt milk it doesn't change anything and you need to focus on the positive and heal.
the ace of swords brings a just new beginning, mayhaps in dealings with a governmental system. when you decide to follow the highest path and take the moral route you prevailed ( or will if ongoing) have courage!
this is new life a beginning, often deals with starting over or a new venture. a brilliant energy but not yet having gained the wisdom of life. 'm getting mixed messages on this one it "feels" like it deals with a new life but not yours directly.
8 of WANDS:
this is a gift of the Gods, magical moments with very strong emotional/spiritual/physical stirrings. this will encompass all areas of your life and give you the energy and spark of passion to come out on top whatever happens.

PRESENT= that 8 continues to weave it's magic, the devil, 9 of wands, ace of wands
with so much magical energy present the danger is in getting swept up in the baser things of life  (greed, sex, vanity) so make sure you tread the highest path and don't allow the "moment" to lead you into unhealthy choices when you're doin so well. also don't let others manipulate you into things against your code or harmful to your path. that includes the voice of doubt from within!
9 of WANDS:
the 9 is wounded and on guard because of the past and bad things that have happened. just let go of all that hurt and pain it no longer serves a purpose. you can't truly heal with those ills hidden deep down it will lead to dis-ease. you need to work on staying grounded and putting your life back together not as what it was but as what it can be, the possibilities are endless if you simply BELIEVE!
this a new honest beginning bein offered. there is no hidden agenda. it represents  where you focus your energy, it should be keyed to your interests. i'd say it's either a promotion or an offer of new employment on the horizon. or mayhaps a self employment. this is coming soon if you're not already aware. of course don't sit back and wait for it , if you've been contemplating something now is the time to go for it in a big way.
FUTURE= that ace is still workin for ya, wheel of fortune, the fool, the magician
the wheel of fortune in and of its self is neither good nor bad it's what you choose to make it. life is cylindrical as is our path. this is a karmic lesson you're working on. you need to focus on that higher goal and keep moving so as not to get drained of your momentum.
the fool is touched by the Gods and is truly blessed. he is innocent of spirit and will always be safe. as a matter of fact a total calamity that would destroy anyone else becomes a boon for the fool. he ALWAYS ends up in a better position than he was before. if you are on the fence now would be the time to take that leap of faith!
this is male life force one who draws universal power. and he deals in infinity. a very passionate person who can lay aside that fire and let intellect control his actions. if the magician shows up it's time to truly look at what you want stop dreaming about it and devise a practical plan of action. yu can do anything but you have to actually work to make it happen. be strong and fierce and don't let that nagging doubt creep in.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

john s , past present future

for those who don't know a brief explanation.........it's a 10 card spread past present future. the 1st three are past with the fourth bein what is carrying over into the present, thus the 7th card carries over into the future.
PAST = 7 of swords, 4 of swords, king of swords, queen of pentacles
7 of SWORDS:
you've had to do things you never thought you would and mayhaps even things against your beliefs. but you did them for the greater good to help/protect others around you (either family or like family)
4 of SWORDS:
this card deals with an impending illness but as it's in the past.it may be something ongoing that you're dealing with. slow down and take care lestwise you'll make yourself ill this could also be a warning to caregivers , physician heal thyself comes to mind
I don't feel that this is you but someone close to you. it's a very fair man, someone willing to listen and understand all positions before he passes judgment. he believes in right and wrong but he tempers this with mercy for all.
what's overlaying the rest of this is a female (or feminine energy not clearly getting a sex on this) who is obsessed with money and having the good things in life. they realize money equals power so probably either from luxury or has always desired luxury. VERY stubborn and a free spender when it's for them but kinda cheap/stingy with others. probably a brunette.
 PRESENT = that queen is still hangin around, 6 of pentacles, the moon, 3 of cups
so interesting because this card totally contradicts what the queen is about. this is a very genous person who has enough for themselves and likes to share with others. and shares cheerfully with no judgment or strings attached.  so if you're offered something feel free to accept it graciously without guilt or worry.
pay attention to any messages you get in your dreams. your psychic ability is at a high point now and for many the dreamworld is the easiest way to get messages as our walls are down then. there's subconscious stuff starting to surface so take care with emotional stability. meditating would be very beneficial and helpful at this time.
3 of CUPS:
this a joyous fun time with people who are like family. faith, hope, and charity are present, and you should make sure you take the time to bring out that fun/happy self and share it with others.

FUTURE = that joyous fun 3 of cups is carrying on, the chariot, 7 of pentacles, page of cups
oftentimes the chariot shows up when dealing with balance issues. mayhaps you're focusing too much on the physical and letting your spiritual self "slide" till you get more time but there's a danger in doin that for it can bring everything to a standstill until balance is regained.
you've put in all your "crops" and now you're just waiting for them to come to fruition. timing becomes everything for if you harvest at the peak of growing season you'll reap the full benefit of all you have done. whatever you've been trying to accomplish shall come to pass just make sure you stay diligent in the meantime.
cups deal with emotion and pages bring transformation. this is the seeker of beauty who serves a higher goal. change is a good thing and especially on the heels of all you've accomplished. just let it happen organically don't get stuck on the past or what you thought everything was going to be.

ok I simply can't stop a reading on a page and leave someone hanging so I pulled one more future card
this is the perfect balance of spiritual, emotional, and physical in a relationship (which may or may not be sexual in nature) so everything you've gone through and shall be going through you're not alone and you shall not be alone
I felt drawn to pull one more card and it was
the WORLD:
the world is a crossroads with endless possibilities. you can literally do anything. just make sure you know what you want because there are also responsibility with every choice. so if you have the chance to follow a dream don't doubt or hesitate for the world IS your oyster!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


for those who don't know a brief explanation.........it's a 10 card spread past present future. the 1st three are past with the fourth bein what is carrying over into the present, thus the 7th card carries over into the future.

PAST: 6 of pentacles, 4 of cups, the moon, 2 of wands
in the past you've had enough and been able to do the things you really needed to but not neccesarily everything you "wanted" to. you've had help available if you need it, but sometimes you put others needs ahead of you own.
4 of CUPS:
you actually have a good life but things you mayhaps always thought were gonna be there have shifted a bit and it leaves you uneasy at times. you need to look at all you have and let go of any angst about the past. never let you past be bigger than your dreams.
make sure you're doin some kind of grounding before you do any "magic"  you are HIGHLY psychic even more than you've ever realized, you just need to work on staying balanced and grounded. there are things from deep within your subconscious trying to come forth. pay attention to your dreams, i'd suggest you keep a journal and pen by your bed and write down all your dreams if you're not already. this has been going on for a while with the dreams. it's easier for spirit to connect with you that way because you don't doubt or second guess when in the dream realm.
2 of WANDS:
you've been working on yourself and your dreams for a while now and you've built a great foundation. it's actually very stong and you simply need to assess any minor adjustments you may need to make based on where you stand right now. the knowledge you've gained in the past 6/8 months will see you into that long dreamed of future.

PRESENT: the foundation you built is seeing you into the present, 2 of pentacles, the fool, the magician
money is a bit of a juggle, mayhaps it's a real blancing act at times but it's ok. money ebbs and flows much like the tide. plan obviously but don't worry yourself into a frazzle because when you really need it it'll be available.
the FOOL:
this is the next step o your journey and it is a path blessed by the Gods. mishaps turn to joy, even if you fall you'll be caught and come out of it in a better position than you had before. now is the time to take that leap of faith. if you've been hesitating out of fear DON'T!
this is a very powerful male energy, he can draw universal power. it deals with infinity and eternal life. also a very intellectually controlled right brained male who while very passionate can actually lay it aside and focus on what needs to get done. this is someone who can help you achieve whatever you desire.
FUTURE: that magician will play a role in this journey. 7 of swords, king of wands, page of cups
7 of SWORDS:
this is doin something you normally wouldn't but you do it for the greater good. it's like not telling someone you're intent because they wouldn't approve or might try to dissuade you. it's sneaking around with a high moral purpose.
I believe this is tied to the 7 of swords. generally a charming but phony type of person with varied perceptions of the truth. seems very sincere til they get what they want then the true colors will show. can be devious, think used car salesman!
pages always bring sudden change and with cups that would be a change of emotion. this will be transformative in a GOOD way! he's a seeker of beauty who serves a higher goal.

I couldn't leave it hangin with that page so I pulled another card just to "see"
6 of SWORDS:
this is gonna be you takin on responsibility that is NOT yours and you're gonna be scared of it. don't be you will feel honor bound to do whatever this is but you find so much unexpected joy in the situation it will all be worth it!

Monday, May 27, 2013

meredith.........past present future

for those who don't know a brief explanation.........it's a 10 card spread past present future. the 1st three are past with the fourth bein what is carrying over into the present, thus the 7th card carries over into the future. congrats to mereidith for bein the 1st to comment on my tarot post from yesterday!
she's so beautiful with that mama glow I simply HAD to share a pic!
and now for the reading............
past = the hermit, king of pentacles, queen of swords and 6 of cups
you've been lookin for answers your whole life and for people to make you happy when you have always had everything you need inside of you as soon as you looked. introspection can be difficult for you sometimes but it was worth the effort to let go of some things no longer serving you well.
a just man whose word is his bond. VERY reliable, a hard worker who tends to do better in a situation where he's his own boss or works by himself. an earth person who tends to be grounded.
the archtypical personality is a judgemental stern female.she doesn't listen to others and thinks she never makes mistakes. being right is the most important thing to her, once she makes her mind up there is no reconsidering. it's a black and white world with no shades of grey and no appeal if you make a mistake.
6 0f CUPS:
this is a harkening back to those sweetest childhood memories, the child being brought out in you and in this case the child who is within you. this is a time of joy and innocent emotion. revel in it.

present = the 6 0f cups carries over, 3 of cups, 4 of wands, and 9 of cups
the joy of/for the child permeates your present and all you do now.
3 of CUPS:
this card is joyous times with those people who are family and like family. the three graces of hope, faith, and charity are present.
4 of WANDS:
this is a celebration of joy. a thematic social gathering  with intent and purpose to celebrate a blessed event. all types of people will be in attendance brought together to bless you and the event.
9 of CUPS:
the card represents earned success and happiness, emotional contentment and order in one's life. you've put in the work now enjoy the fruits of your labor.

future= 9 of cups carries  contentment into your future, death, the high priestess, v of swords
death isn't an actual death it's the end of an energetic cycle, for as traumatic as some events are physically and emotionally they must occur so we can allow new happiness and opportunity to flow into our lives. I suspect giving birth is VERY traumatic spiritually and physically, and that's what I see this card representing. it's the child leaving your body and making it's appearance in this world.
this is you my dear you are moving into the next phase of your existence from maiden to mother. you shall gain wisdom and join for mother is both light and dark, life and death, the waxing and waning moon, you shall be between spirit and earth much of the time. and I do "see" that you shall gain insight into mysticsm and mystery after the birth as your spiritual psychic gifts are expanding.
5 of SWORDS:
you've made it through some trying times as anyone can attest bein pregnant aint for sissies and it makes the everyday that much more difficult but you have won the war, to the victor go the spoils and ye shall enjoy your time of triumph. anything that comes at you, you shall be victorious , so don't worry about those pesky detail have faith and trust! (especially if something legal comes up, you got it!)


gay tarot day 78.............the guide of swords

the guide of swords appears when there is a major decision dealing with a moral issue, it's either right or wrong there are no shades of grey. if you make a mistake it will be because you didn't look at all the facts/reprecusions so  pay attention to detail and be sure before you act. pretending you don't have to take action and avoiding a decision could be disastarous!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

gay tarot day 77..............youth of swords

the youth of swords brings messages dealing with government ,justice, or the legal system. he represents dealings with bureaucracy. if he's shown up in your life stick to your guns and never give up for he is the righter of wrongs and he's been very busy in the gay world as of late with all the strides we've made in equality still there's much to be done so dig in those heels and get ready for the battle to begin for every step we move ahead the forces of ignorance will get more desperate and try to intimidate if not exterminate us.

gay tarot day 76...........the 7 of cups

the 7 of cups represents a bevy of choices from lowest to highest. beauty, treasure, healing, wealth, honor, any vice or the highest of highs you can think of. it is to be able to know the unknowable. the offerings are there to do with as you please but alas we reap what we sow so make sure you follow your highest spiritual/emotional path. when mystery and knowledge are involved it's best to ruminate on the reprecusions and make the decision the correct one for your betterment

Saturday, May 25, 2013

gay tarot day 75.........6 0f wands

the 6 of wands is being honored for a great achievement by your peers. it could be a grand marshall at gay pride or merely being honored at work or acknowledged by those who've you helped pave the way for.  revel in the achievement and enjoy it for there is still much work to do!

Friday, May 24, 2013

gay tarot day 74....10 of wands

the 10 of wands is someone taking on more than they should have, you are carrying more than your fair share of the load. you're so overburdened that you cant focus on the tasks you really need to. you need to eliminate some of the burden and share the responsibility with those who it belongs to and for goodness sake if this card comes up don't volunteer for anything!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

gay tarot day 73....man of wands

the man of wands is a very nurturing person but is always in control of his environment. very attuned to nature and at home with animals in general. he may have raised himself. there is often a tightly bonded family unit but not neccesarily bonded by blood.
if the man of wands has shown up in your life you can expect some spiritual growth and the sweetness of new life opening up for you.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

gay tarot day 72.........2 of wands

the 2 of wands represents someone who has sown their seeds and is making adjustments according to what they see. the foundation is strong and the dues have been paid. this represents where you stand in life at this moment. you have the world in your hands now you just have to figure out what to do with it.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

gay tarot day 71.... 5 of wands

the 5 of wands is the sparring card. it is fighting for the joy of fighting. there is no rhyme or reason for it so do not involve yourself. it's not serious and it shall pass with no one injured so it's a waste of time and effort for everyone.

Monday, May 20, 2013

gay tarot day 70...........the hanged man

the hanged man is a spiritwalker he balances the divide between the physical and spiritual worlds. this is the journey of the shaman who can be many places at once. it's a role gay men know all too well when not out of the closet you have two different realities occupying the same space. the trick and the hard part is maintaining that perfect balance for if you slip ye shall fall and mayhaps bring both worlds crashing down around you. but fear not for ye shall rise again.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

gay tarot day 69...........youth of cups

the youth of cups is the bearer of emotional news and gifts. he is the seeker of beauty and serves a higher goal than many may suspect. he tends to be objectified because he is beautiful but really just wants true love and may go from man to man to man because the "perfect" guy his heart wants and the actual real love may escape his point of view.

the gay tarot day 68..........8 of coins

the 8 of coins is the apprentice card. you have put in your time learning and you're about to be rewarded for the effort by attaining the next level. financial progress and expansion are at hand, but remember they come with new independence and added responsibility.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

gay tarot day 67........the magician

the magician can draw universal power. he is a right brained intellectually controlled man. he can lay aside passion and focus on what he wants to make happen. he executes all that he does in perfect order. he knows that life is eternal and can do what he needs to travel infinity

Friday, May 17, 2013

gay tarot day 66..........6 of cups

the 6 of cups is the happy card. it's a trip back home or down memory lane. a re-connecting with those who bring out the joy and childlike happiness in you. it's that rich history of innocent emotions and the people, places, and things that bring those out in yourself. in this stress filled world it's important to take time to play and have fun just for the sake of doin it.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

gay tarot day 65....5 of coins

the 5 of coins represents a person who needs help but refuses to ask for it or accept what is offered freely. pride and fear are the things that hold you back. there is no shame in needing others or in needing help, it is there awaiting you and you KNOW it so just swallow hard and ask......that's right ask and ye shall receive.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

gay tarot day 64...........man of coins

the man of coins desires and probably comes from luxury. he is somewhat obsessed with money, material possessions, his comfort, and having the "good" things in life. he will spend generously on himself but is chintzy with others. he knows that money equals power and control over others. he's used to getting his own way and can be very stubborn. he may have a "manual/physical" job but you can bet he's the boss!

Monday, May 13, 2013

gay tarot day 63..................youth of coins

the youth of coins is the bringer of financial and material messages. for gay people that may have an entirely different meaning than for straight people. the youth is still figuring out what makes him who he is and while money is important it's status and recognition that are his most important riches. he's probably dark haired and dark complected and very much into his looks and physical fitness. he is beautiful but is always striving to be more. very meticulous in his appearance and the front he wants everyone to see. he'll work out for hours in the gym but only at peak times when he'll be sure to be ogled by every other man there. he also spends and inordinant amount of time choosing the right outfit and fixing his hair just so.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

gay tarot day 62.............7 of swords

the 7 of swords is the sneaky card. it represents someone who is doing something wrong but for the right reasons. sometimes something can be morally incorrect but is being done for the greater good. being in the closet is a classic example, it's wrong to lie and pretend to be something other than you are but many gay men pretend to be straight to protect themselves from harm physically and to protect those they love from the pain and ridicule that comes with having a gay family member. plus it can be counter productive to your career and life in general if you live in a very homophobic area. sometimes me must do things distasteful for the good of all.  

gay tarot day 61..............the moon

la luna who controls the tides of the sea and of our emotions. she is deep subconscious coming to bear. pay attention to your dreams/visions as you psychic ability and precognitive events are bound to happen. she is also the bringer of insanity if you misuse her and don't heed her. you must strive to remain balanced when working with her as the high psychic ability she bestows is too much unless you stay well grounded. I highly suggest dancing under her light and even howling at her if emotions are running high!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

gay tarot day 60...........beyond judgement

beyond judgement  is letting go of all the stereotypes and delusions and hatred (self and external) and allowing yourself unconditional love. it's that bright new life that owning ones self creates. this is all about living a life in the light no more hiding in the shadows or compromising who you really are. sure you may lose some along the way but it's like culling a flowering shrub by getting rid of the dead blooms you allow the bush to prosper and many new buds open.

Friday, May 10, 2013

gay tarot day 59.............2 of swords

the 2 of swords represents limbo. it is one who senses are not tuned into this world. a decision must be made but you will have to rely on instinct. there is no danger as long as you trust your inner voice. do not however change course midstream you must see whatever you do to it's conclusion. the outcome is illumination, you will see that which was hidden.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

gay tarot day 58............the world

the world is available , anything you chose can be yours. but be careful for tis a crossroad what you do will affect everything, make sure you opt for your highest good. travel and transformation may be involved as well!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

gay tarot day 57..........man of swords

the man of swords is a brilliant intellectual person, but he's so set on being right all the time that he's rigid. he doesn't listen or value others opinions, and is incapable of reconsidering a position even if he's wrong. the archtypical personality is of a stern judgmental man.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

gay tarot day 56..........3 of wands

3 of wands brings the fruits of your labors to bear, as ye sow so shall you reap. the work you put in is finally paying off. you're standing on the shore of destiny the world is changed so now is the time to re-evaluate and make certain what you wanted then is still you desire. for you can do/have/be anything!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

gay tarot day 55..........3 of coins

you have been honing your "craft" karma for many years and it's about to be recognized in a big way dear artisan. you have always marched to your own beat and been slightly ahead of everyone else and the universe loves it. all that effort is about to bear fruit in ways you never imagined. their will be financial rewards but your greatest satisfaction is the recognition of your vision...........you give great joy to those who recognize what a treasure your craft is.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

gay tarot day 54......the wheel of life

the wheel of life is all about the cylindrical nature of life, it is your karmic debt. it can mean a change of luck and an increased knowledge. balance is important or the wheel just keeps spinning you in circles. make sure you know what you want as the outcome because there are many ways this could play out and it's up to you to decide and to make it happen!

gay tarot day 53.............sage of coins

the sage of pentacles is the archtypical honest man whose word is his bond. a handshake means more than any written contract. he is very reliable and usually down to earth. he makes money easily and may tend to "buy people" with drinks, dinner, tickets, etc etc conversely he expects others to pay their own way in life. he is the ultimate sugar daddy who'll treat you like gold as long as you keep your end of the bargain and take care of him, for that is your job. (housework and bedroom work are equally important to him) do not disappoint or expect too much or you'll find yourself sitting outside where it's only slightly colder than the freeze he's sending your way!

Friday, May 3, 2013

gay tarot day 52.........9 of coins

the 9 of coins represents a person perceived as coming from money, whether or not they actually did. they live very comfortably and have an upscale lifestyle through no effort of their own. they're comfortable outdoors and tend to love animals and gardening , passions which they tend to become obsessed with. they're very comfortable with their birthright and have no guilt over the way theu spend their time and money. this can lead to frivolity and depression if you don't stay grounded and calm those inner rages.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

gay tarot day 51..........9 of swords

there is achasm between reality and illusion/imagination. those things you've been doubtful of and not sure of were not your imagination. as the fog lifts clarity will return. the nightmare is fading and reality will win out. trust what you KNOW.it's time to dispel any illusion and deal with the reality of whats happening/happened. outcome you shall "see the light!"

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

gay tarot day 50...........the emperor

the emperor has lived a life and he's in control of his and mayhaps yours too! nothing came easy to him and he doesn't give away things easily. a very passionate man but he keeps those churning emotions to himself, still waters run deep! for gay men getting his acceptance can mean the world but getting it may be a slow process and he may never say it the way you want or dreamed, accept it and love him anyway because he may never be the warm fuzzy dad you want/need. for the gay emperor he's likely to have a younger or series of younger boyfriends who find his stern demeanor a HUGE turn on. when involved with him actions speak louder than words should remain clearly in your mind, he may do everything in the world for you but those three little words may not be forthcoming anytime soon.