Monday, September 29, 2014

king of cups

todays card is the KING of CUPS:
have you ever felt like the world was needy and looking at you for support and understanding and you just don't have any to give em? well that's this king he may rule the "CUPS" aka the emotional realm but h...e aint comfortable with that at all. he'd rather use his rational mind and totally cant or wont deal with things form a purely emotional standpoint.
this card is absolutely perfect in it's depiction because people look at the King as someone who is on a different level and has all these powers that separate him so they tend to treat him differently than they do others. he feels that separation and it just adds to the gap between him and others. alas instead of using that knowledge and fixing it he just shuts himself off from everyone on an emotional level and tends to look at the world through analytical eyes.............it's like an engineer trying to be a chef. he can follow the recipe and make an ok meal but there's no "soul" in it.
so do you need to get in touch with those inner feelings and bridge the gap emotionally with those around you or is it someone in your life who just cant open up and let others in. either way it's a challenge and patience is a must cause change is NOT easy nor wanted for this king.
Photo: todays card is the KING of CUPS:
have you ever felt like the world was needy and looking at you for support and understanding and you just don't have any to give em? well that's this king he may rule the "CUPS" aka the emotional realm but he aint comfortable with that at all. he'd rather use his rational mind and totally cant or wont deal with things form a purely emotional standpoint. 
this card is absolutely perfect in it's depiction because people look at the King as someone who is on a different level and has all these powers that separate him so they tend to treat him differently than they do others. he feels that separation and it just adds to the gap between him and others. alas instead of using that knowledge and fixing it he just shuts himself off from everyone on an emotional level and tends to look at the world through analytical eyes.............it's like an engineer trying to be a chef. he can follow the recipe and make an ok meal but there's no "soul" in it. 
so do you need to get in touch with those inner feelings and bridge the gap emotionally with those around you or is it someone in your life who just cant open up and let others in. either way it's a challenge and patience is a must cause change is NOT easy nor wanted for this king.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

5 of wands

todays card is the FIVE of WANDS:
can y'all feel the chaos in the air today? as mercury goes retro everything is cattywampus. expect your technology to go wonky and your friends to loose their minds!
being prepared is KEY to this and knowi...ng where all the strife and upheaval originates certainly goes a long way towards negating the effect. breathe DEEP and do that 10 count before you react. this is the perfect time to understand that old saying you cant control peoples actions but your reactions are under your control.
avoid getting pulled into the petty squabbles that surround you. now is the time to be "Switzerland" remain neutral unless it's something that actually matter to you " not my circus, not my monkeys!" is my mantra!
make sure you pay attention to your overall health and stability during this time and we'll all make it thru in one piece!
Photo: todays card is the FIVE of WANDS:
can y'all feel the chaos in the air today? as mercury goes retro everything is cattywampus. expect your technology to go wonky and your friends to loose their minds! 
being prepared is KEY to this and knowing where all the strife and upheaval originates certainly goes a long way towards negating the effect. breathe DEEP and do that 10 count before you react. this is the perfect time to understand that old saying you cant control peoples actions but your reactions are under your control. 
avoid getting pulled into the petty squabbles that surround you. now is the time  to be "Switzerland" remain neutral unless it's something that actually matter to you " not my circus, not my monkeys!" is my mantra! 
make sure you pay attention to your overall health and stability during this time and we'll all make it thru in one piece!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

knight of swords

todays card is the KNIGHT of SWORDS:
and while knights looks may change with the ages their belief and their fight to right wrongs and defeat injustice never does. Sinbad is a perfect example though mayhaps not the first one would think of ...as a knight as he rides a horse that uses windpower and glides across those emotional tribulations with ease. he KNOWS what is right for him and has no problem going after it or moving on when the time is right.
we could all use a little of that in our lives, he is always in motion and fearless in his pursuit of all the world has to offer for those brave enough to go after it. so if you're feeling the time is right to break your bonds and set forth on a journey into the unknown then set sail on the tide my friends the adventure of a lifetime awaits those brave enough to leave the shore/shallows and ride the waves into the unknown!
Photo: todays card is the KNIGHT of SWORDS:
and while knights looks may change with the ages their belief and their fight to right wrongs and defeat injustice never does. Sinbad is a perfect example though mayhaps not the first one would think of as a knight as he rides a horse that uses windpower and glides across those emotional tribulations with ease. he KNOWS what is right for him and has no problem going after it or moving on when the time is right.
we could all use a little of that in our lives, he is always in motion and fearless in his pursuit of all the world has to offer for those brave enough to go after it. so if you're feeling the time is right to break your bonds and set forth on a journey into the unknown then set sail on the tide my friends the adventure of a lifetime awaits those brave enough to leave the shore/shallows and ride the waves into the unknown!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

king of swords

todays card is the KING of SWORDS:
I'm using the image of conan as king, he wore his crown on a troubled brow and that's certainly appropriate for the KING of Swords. right and wrong and the status quo matter. he earned his position and has... been on both sides of the fence. his opinions are hard won through action rather than someone who has been secluded and learned everything in theory.
he will listen and consider but once judgment is rendered it is swift and final. do not expect second chances here.....your best bet is to come clean if you screwed up and ask for mercy, it's actually your only chance because deception is NOT something this king understands or forgives. that civilized veneer can fade into the barbarian pretty quickly when he's riled.............keep that in mind when you have dealings with him.
if you ARE the king then mayhaps you need to make a major decision. your first instinct is usually correct and has held you in good stead for a long time so if it aint broke don't fix it.
Photo: todays card is the KING of SWORDS:
I'm using the image of conan as king, he wore his crown on a troubled brow and that's certainly appropriate for the KING of Swords. right and wrong and the status quo matter. he earned his position and has been on both sides of the fence. his opinions are hard won through action rather than someone who has been secluded and learned everything in theory. 
he will listen and consider but once judgment is rendered it is swift and final. do not expect second chances here.....your best bet is to come clean if you screwed up and ask for mercy, it's actually your only chance because deception is NOT something this king understands or forgives. that civilized veneer can fade into the barbarian pretty quickly when he's riled.............keep that in mind when you have dealings with him.
if you ARE the king then mayhaps you need to make a major decision. your first instinct is usually correct and has held you in good stead for a long time so if it aint broke don't fix it.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

knight of swords

todays card is the KNIGHT of SWORDS:
I've chosen the image of Paul Atradies from Dune. the knight brings change, he is the righter of wrongs. injustice is something he cant abide and he will always follow his moral/ethical code without hesi...tation/deviation.
have you been putting off a decision because it may cause upheaval or cause a chain reaction you'll have to deal with? the knight says to stop procrastinating and do what must be done and do it asap.
the sleeper must awaken and the time is NOW!
being proactive in your own story is vital for the swords and for the knight it's life blood. even if there's fall out (and it feels minimal) the weight you take off your shoulders will far outweigh any turmoil caused by walking your talk and living that truth.
Photo: todays card is the KNIGHT of SWORDS:
I've chosen the image of Paul Atradies from Dune. the knight brings change, he is the righter of wrongs. injustice is something he cant abide and he will always follow his moral/ethical code without hesitation/deviation. 
have you been putting off a decision because it may cause upheaval or cause a chain reaction you'll have to deal with? the knight says to stop procrastinating and do what must be done and do it asap. 
the sleeper must awaken and the time is NOW! 
being proactive in your own story is vital for the swords and for the knight it's life blood. even if there's fall out (and it feels minimal) the weight you take off your shoulders will far outweigh any turmoil caused by walking your talk and living that truth.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

four of swords

today I'm livin the FOUR of SWORDS:
been super busy as of late and burning the candle at both ends...NOT good. time to reel it in and slow it down I need to rest and relax and distress before I make myself ill, cause the body will find a wa...y even if it means putting your behind in bed for a week with the flu. that's what happens when you don't take care of it! so I HAVE to work tonight, after the mandatory meeting that robbed me of sleep, but the two hour lunch instead of sleeping is all on me! lolol
tomorrow is all about eating well, exercising, and then sleeping at least 9 hours so I have time to recharge. of course knowing my body at 46 it's gonna take 2 to 3 days of that to get back to 100%. make sure you put taking care of you as a priority!
Photo: today I'm livin the FOUR of SWORDS:
been super busy as of late and burning the candle at both ends...NOT good. time to reel it in and slow it down I need to rest and relax and distress before I make myself ill, cause the body will find a way even if it means putting your behind in bed for a week with the flu. that's what happens when you don't take care of it! so I HAVE to work tonight, after the mandatory meeting that robbed me of sleep, but the two hour lunch instead of sleeping is all on me! lolol
tomorrow is all about eating well, exercising, and then sleeping at least 9 hours so I have time to recharge. of course knowing my body at 46 it's gonna take 2 to 3 days of that to get back to 100%. make sure you put taking care of you as a priority!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

the moon

todays card is the MOON:
there's a lot of illusion and self delusion going on right now. why does the truth frighten so many? do we really need a lie that makes us feel secure and safe to go about our mundane lives. we get all upset about a... celebrity committing suicide but don't give a passing thought to those who give their lives for our protection every single day.
the media lies to us on a regular basis as does the government and we swallow it hook line and sinker but when someone breaks from the herd of sheep and tells a truth we crucify them on a national level for disturbing the status quo.
this is trickling down to a personal level for many, you know your partner is lying/cheating and yet you turn a blind eye because it's easy and in your comfort zone, even if that zone is a place of misery. the security blanket we use to keep the monsters of truth at bay is also a prison that keeps you from being free. throw open the shackles and your mind and "SEE" the truth all around us, only when you leave that space of safety can the magic happen.
the moon is all about the psyche, the unconscious, and that instinct we're all born with. turn down that negative rational voice that fools us into delusion and let yourself live unbound by all that seek to hold you back/down. it really is a choice between the tamed cowed and oblivious looking for others to lead the way and the untamed instinctual "beast" inside who already understand the universe on a cellular level. the choice is yours but for goodness sake make a choice that you can live with!
Photo: todays card is the MOON:
there's a lot of illusion and self delusion going on right now. why does the truth frighten so many? do we really need a lie that makes us feel secure and safe to go about our mundane lives. we get all upset about a celebrity committing suicide but don't give a passing thought to those who give their lives for our protection every single day. 
the media lies to us on a regular basis as does the government and we swallow it hook line and sinker but when someone breaks from the herd of sheep and tells a truth we crucify them on a national level for disturbing the status quo. 
this is trickling down to a personal level for many, you know your partner is lying/cheating and yet you turn a blind eye because it's easy and in your comfort zone, even if that zone is a place of misery. the security blanket we use to keep the monsters of truth at bay is also a prison that keeps you from being free. throw open the shackles and your mind and "SEE" the truth all around us, only when you leave that space of safety can the magic happen. 
the moon is all about the psyche, the unconscious, and that instinct we're all born with. turn down that negative rational voice that fools us into delusion and let yourself live unbound by all that seek to hold you back/down. it really is a choice between the tamed cowed and oblivious looking for others to lead the way and the untamed instinctual "beast" inside who already understand the universe on a cellular level. the choice is yours but for goodness sake make a choice that you can live with!

Friday, September 12, 2014

the hierophant

todays card is the HIEROPHANT:
tradition isn't always the best way to go just for the sake of tradition. mayhaps it's a way to control the next generation by endoctrinating them into your own brand of dogma, but it's time to break those cha...ins and decide what works for you and your truth. if it feels stifiling and oppressive it is!
now not all tradition is bad but it's ok to question the status quo and try something new. whats the worst that could happen? you find out you like the old way because it works but you've still gained perspective and you'll gain an understanding of those who came before you. if you never venture from the well worn path then you are doomed to repeat the mistakes of those who came before you............and let me say this is Jesus, Allah, Buddha, and all the other people who founded religions didn't take a chance then we'd still be cowering in the dark afraid to embrace the sacred , now wouldn't that be a scray place to dwell!
so stop living in the past and playing those perpetual reruns and write yourself a new script, be the master of your own destiny!
Photo: todays card is the HIEROPHANT:
tradition isn't always the best way to go just for the sake of tradition. mayhaps it's a way to control the next generation by endoctrinating them into your own brand of dogma, but it's time to break those chains and decide what works for you and your truth. if it feels stifiling and oppressive it is! 
now not all tradition is bad but it's ok to question the status quo and try something new. whats the worst that could happen? you find out you like the old way because it works but you've still gained perspective and you'll gain an understanding of those who came before you. if you never venture from the well worn path then you are doomed to repeat the mistakes of those who came before you............and let me say this is Jesus, Allah, Buddha, and all the other people who founded religions didn't take a chance then we'd still be cowering in the dark afraid to embrace the sacred , now wouldn't that be a scray place to dwell! 
so stop living in the past and playing those perpetual reruns and write yourself a new script, be the master of your own destiny!

Monday, September 8, 2014

5 of cups

todays card is the FIVE of CUPS:
I'm a genuinely happy person and an optimist 99.9% of the time but bein a Gemini I do have my highs and lows. yesterday I attended a pow wow all day and it was marvelous, I had a TERRIFIC time. this morning ...I'm exhausted and sore and feelin the effects of too much fry bread and not enough rest so it's angst time and timmy is feelin petulant. I KNOW where it's coming from and I KNOW what to do, ibuprofen taken, food fixed, bootstraps firmly in hand and let the pulling begin!
when that gloom and loss seem overwhelming and all you can focus on is the losses it's VERY important that you take a good look around you and focus on the positives in your life. EVERYONE has positives no matter how dire the situation so stop whining, stop moping, stop fretting, stop HESITATING , get off your duff and make yourself happy. that's right happiness is a choice and once you decide to go there nothing can stop you. even writing this down is helping me to get out of my lil funk because I have a most excellent life and I'm very grateful for it. we all have these down times the secret is in not letting them keep you down...................so now I'm gonna tra la la thru my day singing build me up buttercup and make of it what I want it to be!
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Photo: todays card is the FIVE of CUPS:
I'm a genuinely happy person and an optimist 99.9% of the time but bein a Gemini I do have my highs and lows. yesterday I attended a pow wow all day and it was marvelous, I had a TERRIFIC time. this morning I'm exhausted and sore and feelin the effects of too much fry bread and not enough rest so it's angst time and timmy is feelin petulant. I KNOW where it's coming from and I KNOW what to do, ibuprofen taken, food fixed, bootstraps firmly in hand and let the pulling begin! 
when that gloom and loss seem overwhelming and all you can focus on is the losses it's VERY important that you take a good look around you and focus on the positives in your life. EVERYONE has positives no matter how dire the situation so stop whining, stop moping, stop fretting, stop HESITATING , get off your duff and make yourself happy. that's right happiness is a choice and once you decide to go there nothing can stop you. even writing this down is helping me to get out of my lil funk because I have a most excellent life and I'm very grateful for it. we all have these down times the secret is in not letting them keep you down...................so now I'm gonna tra la la thru my day singing build me up buttercup and make of it what I want it to be!