for those who don't know a brief's a 10 card spread past present future. the 1st three are past with the fourth bein what is carrying over into the present, thus the 7th card carries over into the future.
PAST= page of cups, the empress, 3 of hearts, 8 of swords
the page of cups is the bearer of emotional news/gifts. he's transformative and serves a higher goal if you listen to him and pay attention but mayhaps you didn't.
brilliant but not wise, very fertile of body and mind. there's a newness and seeming innocence that is very appealing here. it's infatuating but the beauty may cloud your judgment when dealing with them.
3 of SWORDS:
the heartache is real and painful but it shall be fleeting, the problem is already resolving its self . you've lived through the darkness and the sun is about to shine brilliantly. so let it go and move forward the only danger is clinging to the past and letting your memories be bigger than your dreams.
8 of SWORDS:
this is RESTRICTION but it's self imposed. you're doin it to yourself because you're afraid of bein hurt if you let your guard down. take a chance let it go. let yourself LIVE and not just exist. pain is a part of life just as joy and bliss are and it's ok to feel fear as long as you rule it and not the other way around.
you're beginning to open up and let loose time to break the bonds for good!, the lovers, 10 of cups, 6 of cups
this is the perfect physical, spiritual, emotional union. may or may not be physical but this person completes you.
this is the perfect physical, spiritual, emotional union. may or may not be physical but this person completes you.
10 of CUPS:
this is your emotional wish, it's where all your hopes come to fruition. the" pot of gold" at the end of the rainbow is yours for the taking!
this is your emotional wish, it's where all your hopes come to fruition. the" pot of gold" at the end of the rainbow is yours for the taking!
6 of CUPS:
this is the richness of those innocent child like emotions. someone who brings out those sweetest childhood memories and the joy and bliss you felt.
that childish happy laughter is still movin you along, 4 of swords, 9 of pentacles, the magician
in the midst of all this happy happy you have to pay attention to your physical well being. make sure if there is a physical issue you take care of it immediately because if you don't you may wind up flat on your back. slow down a bit that candle burnin at both ends can singe you. meditation would be a really good thing and pay attention to your dreams because the answer you need is in them.
this one goes directly back to the 4 of swords. you're comfortable with who you are and with your position in this world but this physical thing is gonna drive you nuts if you let it and it's not that serious just irritating. beware of getting down and depressed keep those fires of happiness stoked cause it's gonna be fine.
this one goes directly back to the 4 of swords. you're comfortable with who you are and with your position in this world but this physical thing is gonna drive you nuts if you let it and it's not that serious just irritating. beware of getting down and depressed keep those fires of happiness stoked cause it's gonna be fine.
the magician can draw universal power he is the male lifeforce. he's the male who is life and rebirth very powerful, magical, and passionate. however when necessary he can control his passion and let intellect rule his decisions. there may be a time when you need to make a practical decision which isn't perhaps the easiest way to go or what you want to do. with power comes responsibility.
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