todays crow's magic card is the LOVERS: twin-soul, reverence.....
this is how love should be, you compliment each other NOT complete each other. may seem too good to be true but this is the test of the union and of the twin-souls. you must separate even as you is the actions of the individuals that matters for they speak the truth words can never truly tell.
purity and mutual respect develop and trust intertwines the two souls.
the shadow is unrequited or overbearing attachment, you must respect the relationship is of free will and ownership is neither wanted nor implied.
this is how love should be, you compliment each other NOT complete each other. may seem too good to be true but this is the test of the union and of the twin-souls. you must separate even as you is the actions of the individuals that matters for they speak the truth words can never truly tell.
purity and mutual respect develop and trust intertwines the two souls.
the shadow is unrequited or overbearing attachment, you must respect the relationship is of free will and ownership is neither wanted nor implied.
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