todays tarot card is the FIVE of SWORDS:
this card can mean deception or defeat. it shows weakness and shame as well for some but for those willing to give it their all it can also represent winning the battle and getting all the the victor goes the spoils. however it may be a "hollow" victory with no actual gain other than bragging rights. so enjoy that brief I did it moment and let it go, this is NOT the time to gloat as it's probably a moot point after all this chaos. mayhaps you thought there was more to gain than what was actually at stake. sometimes though we have to take a stand even if it's not a win-win situation. evaluate the possibilities before doin anything rash as well, a knee-jerk reaction can start a war you're not ready to win. this energy just feels like it's CRAY CRAY and I truly want no part of it, hopefully I haven't already put my foot into the ring unwittingly!
this card can mean deception or defeat. it shows weakness and shame as well for some but for those willing to give it their all it can also represent winning the battle and getting all the the victor goes the spoils. however it may be a "hollow" victory with no actual gain other than bragging rights. so enjoy that brief I did it moment and let it go, this is NOT the time to gloat as it's probably a moot point after all this chaos. mayhaps you thought there was more to gain than what was actually at stake. sometimes though we have to take a stand even if it's not a win-win situation. evaluate the possibilities before doin anything rash as well, a knee-jerk reaction can start a war you're not ready to win. this energy just feels like it's CRAY CRAY and I truly want no part of it, hopefully I haven't already put my foot into the ring unwittingly!
I just wanna talk about something that seems prevelant in our PC-ridden no backbone society. bullying, I was bullied all the way through school,i was called faggot , threatened, ridiculed, pranked, etc etc it wasn't fun or easy but thank go...odness for my dna cause you see I don't get scared or meek or run I get MAD and FU right in their faces. I wont be told what to say or think especially not by people who are pushing agenda. yes i'm gay do I agree with every single thing gay activists do, hell no. and I can form my own opinions whether you like it or not. I respect everyones right to be an idiot if they choose! so respect mine. I have been called out so many times on my own page and I haven't changed one single idea/feeling I had because of it. if anything it makes me dig in my heels HARDER! I LOVE paula deen that's my right, I don't eat barilla and chick-fil-a but if you want to go right ahead that's what freedom is about. I may share info such as a boycott or such but that's about being informed about issues what you do with the info has nothing to do with me. I don't try to browbeat or shame you into agreeing with me that's called bullying and bullys need to be kicked in the nuts!
to inflict physical or emotional harm upon <children who had been bullied by their father since infancy>
Synonyms brutalize, bully, ill-treat, ill-use, kick around, maltreat, manhandle, mess over [slang], mishandle, mistreat, misuse
to make timid or fearful by or as if by threats <the older boys constantly bullied him to the point where he was afraid to walk home alone>
to inflict physical or emotional harm upon <children who had been bullied by their father since infancy>
Synonyms brutalize, bully, ill-treat, ill-use, kick around, maltreat, manhandle, mess over [slang], mishandle, mistreat, misuse
to make timid or fearful by or as if by threats <the older boys constantly bullied him to the point where he was afraid to walk home alone>
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