Saturday, November 30, 2013

the chariot

todays fellowship of the fool card is the CHARIOT:
this card is all about forward momentum ad balance because if you are out of balance you go in endless circles and never get anywhere. don't come to a standstill live up to your potential a...nd keep going no matter what. you may not see a way out or the light at the end of the tunnel YET but keep your head down and keep going. this is when being a "work horse" and stubborn comes in handy! and don't be afraid to think outside the box if conventional methods aren't working it doesn't matter how you get there as long as you do!
so many focus on the vehicle and the importance of it when in reality it's the driver that controls the reigns.
if the chariot has come for you it's time to take charge and become the master of your own destiny, stop letting doubt or Goddess forbid others control what happens to you and where your headed. no more excuses, no more doubts, just snap those reins and get going NOW!

Friday, November 29, 2013

the lovers

this represents a relationship which will bring you to your higher good. you can accomplish more as a team than you can as individuals as long as both partners are fully committed.
thi...s card can represent marriage as it is the perfect union of physical/spiritual, this is the storybook unconditional love y'all. mayhaps it's physical and mayhaps it aint but this is what relationships are about , they compliment each other and their differences just seem to bring them closer together (no relationship completes you! that's up to you!!!)
if you're lucky enough to find this perfect match of spiritual, physical, and emotional then do your gosh darn best to elevate yourself and your partner, this card is the highest good/goal that you can attain. it is the tree of life an the superconscious not just that which we do/see everyday.
if the lover has come into your life make the effort to savor it and live it to the fullest. whether or not it lasts long term it is one of those transformative times in a life when the impossible becomes possible and you wan to make sure you have no regrets or what ifs at the end of the day!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

the elder

todays fellowship of the fool card is the ELDER:
in most decks this card is the hierophant which is stagnant in many ways tradition for the sake of tradition with no real reason behind it other than bein in a rut, the ELDER steps outside of... this box, he is the teacher or mentor. this is a person who lives his convictions. he has life experience and his beliefs are shaped by that. he pays attention to the details of life knowing that the small things are directly connected to the larger ones. he can be a goody two shoes but he doesn't lord it over you if you don't quite measure up.
the elder has much to teach and share with us all. he holds vast knowledge and is perfectly willing to share that with any who are open and willing to learn. he is the man with a million stories who can prattle on for hours on end and if only you have the willingness to sit at his feet and listen the info you will learn can change your life and your world. be patient and don't rush him because he has his own unique way of doing things and part of that is to slow down and allow yourself to live and not just exist in this rush rush world. if you wear blinders and run through life ignoring those who have gave all to make this world what it is you lose a piece of yourself and the past that you'll never get the opportunity to have again.
this is a very appropriate card for this day of thanksgiving, so remember to pause and pay attention to those silly old relatives and friends you usually merely tolerate or ignore for the past holds the key to the future. if we don't take those life lessons and apply them to the future we're doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over, the elder knows where he's been and where we're going.
oftentimes people are uncomfortable around the elder but that's on them, if you aren't living up to your potential the elder can show you the way but only if you're willing to be open to his lesson and example.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

the emperor

todays fellowship of the fool card is the EMPEROR:
he is using power wisely as he has earned his power and therefor understands it better than someone born into it. he is wisdom gained through experience and travel he represents wisdom, mer...cy, and enlightenment. where the empress is all about creativity the emperor is about practical and efficient management of resources and time. he makes the dream a reality.
he can also be the cosmic enforcer if justice or punishment are to be meted out. as the emperor has worked hard for all that he has and achieved he expects nothing less from those around him. this may represent a business owner, boss, parent, or one in authority (teacher, cop, dr) .
if the emperor has come into your life it may be time to put that nose to the grindstone and get to work on making practical choices and taking steps to put those airy fairy plans into the real world where thy belong. as he is all about earning that which you have it's time to walk your talk and do the work needed to get to that next level you so often dream about! (this is so true with me and I shall be taking my own advice!)

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

the empress

todays fellowship of the fool card is the EMPRESS:
she is the earth mother where the high priestess is the promise the empress is the revelation, the fruition of the feminine. she is beauty and fullness. she is fertility incarnate encompass...ing the 12 signs of the zodiac and the 8 common holidays of most religions she bridges the universal gap. abundance and harmony , fertility and creativity are within her realm.
motherhood, gentleness and love are her forte...........
if the empress has shown up in your life you're heading into a period of creativity and bringing something into life whether it's a new job or an actual baby the empress is all about new beginnings and the creation of dreams.

Monday, November 25, 2013

the high priestess

todays fellowship of the fool card is the HIGH PRIESTESS:
the high priestess is the ruler of mystery. she is all that is hidden and veiled. she is the female at the crossroads between spirit and earth. she brings forth that which you alread...y know, trust in your intuition and believe that truth which feels right on a basic level. that inner voice which speaks universal truth. she is the light and dark path the beginning and the end, life and death.
if the high priestess has come into your life it's time to bring that which is hidden into the light. she holds universal knowledge within her grasp, do not settle for face value there is much more at work here. look within and know that which is there for the taking. the universe is her playground and isn't it time you embraced your power and brought forth the wisdom she offers freely to those brave enough to trust her!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

the magician

todays fellowship of the fool tarot is the MAGICIAN:
he is powerful and masterful at all he does, an adept. he is very good at speaking and getting his point across, if you don't agree by the time he's done you shall!
the magician can show... you how to receive and direct power at will. he is the ultimate male life-form and executes all that he does in perfect order. magic is no mystery to him as he is energy with control. this is no parlor trick he really does understand that which many simply don't comprehend.
if the magician has come into your life mayhaps you need to delve into those things that seem hidden to you and bring focus and control to the forefront in your daily life. it is time to master that which has eluded you thus far.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

the fellowship of the fool tarot: the fool

so lets begin our fools journey with the fellowship of the fool tarot by Helena Domenic............
this card brings the feminine energy of the fool , she's a risk taker and open to all possibility. some people may see the fool as a bit of ...an air-head but to me the fool is merely innocent of heart and knows that all will ALWAYS be ok so it allows the fool to travel the world fearlessly with the naivete of one who is blessed beyond measure. in this deck she is protected by the universe, she is free from worry and ready for all that comes her way. a glorious way to live your life but definitely not for the faint of heart!
how do y'all live the fool in your lives? is it time to take that leap of faith and trust in the universe or have you fallen from the cliff and are waiting for that landing you know is coming? either way embrace the awareness of well being that the fool is shrouded in. no matter what all is as it should be when walking the fools path.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

the dream

I wanted to share the loveliest dream I just had with y'all............I was in cali somewhere at a new-agey get in touch with yourself seminar and it was at Olivia newton john's house by th beach. there were lots of people there and she ga...ve out these little gift boxes. inside were little square snow globes with rattles she had us push all the furniture out of the way and when we opened the gifts we were told to dance and make music for that is the universal language. well my gift was special it had a buffalo and all these other creatures in it and unlike the others when I shoke mine it had bells in it and on the bottom were the words ETRERNAL LOVE> we danced and made music until we were exhausted and we all fell to the floor. Olivia came by and talked with me for what seemed hours and I was soo very inspired and loved. I felt I had to be one with the universe so I went outside and walked down the beach to the ocean. I climbed my way through all of these plants growing on the hsore and immersed myself in the warm waters. it felt like a rebirth when I emerged from the water and I woke up with an amazing sense of peace surrounding me...............feel free to share any insights you might have not sure why it was Olivia but honored just the same.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

queen of swords

today I wanna talk about my least favorite card in the deck.............the QUEEN of SWORDS.
so judgmental and harsh, nothing ever seems to be good enough no matter how hard you try. she's bitter and demanding too. you want to like her and... please her but it's impossible and you can spend you life trying to live up to a standard that seems to change with her mood/whims. thank goodness my mama was the queen of pentacles cause me and miss high and mighty swords do butt heads. (I wont say who she is! lol and she'll NEVER recognize herself!) there are control issues to be sure but I suggest pulling away and negating her influence as much as possible. it's ok to follow your own path and do what you need to make yourself happy. because even if you do everything she says exactly the way she wants it wont impress her so I suggest impressing yourself! at least then one of you will be happy!

Friday, November 15, 2013


lets see what the horses have to say today............the touched by a horse card is ATTENTIVENESS:
there is a plan laid out before you. the intentions of those who assume control at this time are being shown to you. the path choreographed ...and exact. the plan will require skill in its execution, and rewards for the team may be great. you are being asked to give it your all. you are an integral part of the process and course that lie ahead. it is your choice whether to put your best foot forward or to merely get through to the other side. there is some risk either way. your own ability to give more than you are asked for will determine if victory is at hand. challenge yourself as you go on course to excel. rest and reward will follow either way. a glad heart will reward a full performance...........

geesh I NEEDED to hear this one been in a lull/rut for a couple of weeks now. haven't had a single reading and that's unheard of! mayhaps my being exhausted and wanting a break manifested TOO well! lolol so now I go full bore and it shall be what it's meant to be I don't do anything half-assed so full throttle it shall be!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

five of wands

todays tarot card is the FIVE of WANDS:
(this concludes this trip through the deck!)
do you like sparring? no, then why do you buy into it? there's no point in going along with the bickering because it's pointless. stay out of the sandbox a...nd let the people still in kindergarden kick sand and pull hair to their hearts content but rise above it and keep your opinions to yourself. I didn't say to compromise your ideals just let others have their ideas sans your input! sometimes keeping your mouth shut and being discrete is the best way to go.

Monday, November 11, 2013

queen of pentacles

todays tarot card is the QUEEN of PENTACLES:
she's accustomed to prosperity and all the trappings that go along with it. she expects it and it happens, there is no doubt about her place in the world she is comfortable in her skin and owns a...ny room she walks in to. she's one of those ladies you simply defer to on a basic level. she doesn't demand it verbally she just IS the Lady of the Manor and will always be. she also embodies maiden, mother, crone through her journey. she will always be the center of attention not because of her physical beauty but because she exudes that IT factor. if the Queen has come into your life mayhaps you need to see what others see in you and let go of that doubt you cover yourself with, raise that head you have bowed into the sun and SHINE!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

five of pentacles

todays tarot card is the FIVE of PENTACLES:
there is help available to you at anytime, it's offered freely with no strings, it's given gladly and with no strings................so why do you chose to dwell in misery and cold suffering and struggling? pride goeth before a fall and you should remember that. asking for help is not showing weakness it is not a failure and anyone who would judge you doesn't have your best interest at heart and shouldn't be a part of your life anyway.
and lets get real your out in the cold because you want to be. you need to get out of that martyr/disease mind-set and stop the self pity. you are after all the person you want to be and you shouldn't allow fear and self sabotage to rule your life. mayhaps you should get down off the cross and warm yourself by the fire after you throw that wood on it! this is probably my least favorite card because it represents suffering for no reason, we're taught that to be of value we must suffer for our dreams/accomplishments/art and that is crap. allow spirit/energy/prosperity to flow freely to and thru you!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

the knight of cups

todays tarot card is the KNIGHT of CUPS:
the idealistic seeker of beauty and truth a real "SIR Galahad". an idealistic dreamer who dreams BIG but hasn't learned to channel his energy and imagination in a constructive way. the final outcome ...is Severe emotional change. if the knight can learn to focus and keep that forward momentum goin he can move the world but can he "deal" with it? sometimes the dreams/plans are kinda airy-fairy with no real concept based in reality..........my tarot career falls into this category lolol i'm a reader but I KNOW I haven't done my due diligence needed to move to the next level and yet despite myself my career moves forward. that's the influence of my soul card the FOOL. yep it's nice bein blessed!

Thursday, November 7, 2013


how many of y'all use animal totems in your work? for me they have always been messengers, buffalo has been with me since birth, bear helps me to heal, hawk/owl help me to "see", tiger is my strength , horse takes me on journeys and connect...s me with spirit. I have permanent ones and then ones who come for a specific event/path and then move on. if you haven't looked into this aspect of spirituality I bet unconsciously you already do. if you LOVE an animal for no reason and always have that's probably a totem. has an animal just kept showing up in your life, like those crows you always hear or the bluejay feathers you find then nature is already working with/for you. if an animal acts unusual around you like a wild animal that shows no fear and "connects" with you then thank him and honor the connection by allowing him in and doing the work necessary to fulfill that part of your destiny.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

knight of pentacles

todays tarot card is the KNIGHT of PENTACLES:
so you want prosperity, well prosperity aint free and it time you start payin! you must focus and put in the work to affect the change you want to bring to your life. wisht washy and mamby pamby... wont cut it, and praying is fine as long as you walk your talk because spirit helps those who helpm themselves. sitting around waiting for life to come to you will only result in stagnation and failure. this goes for me as well as for y'all. I've been getting lazy cause i'm tired well so what! grab those boot-straps and pull yourself out of your rut and focus really focus on that positive you want your life to become.

Monday, November 4, 2013

four of cups

todays tarot card is the FOUR of CUPS:
stop being petulant, you have all you could possibly need so stop pouting because you don't get what you Think you want! now is the time to thank spirit for blessings and to focus on all that you have.... it's all due to a lack of commitment, oh you say you're committed but fail to follow through when push comes to shove. due diligence my friends! nobody likes a whiner so suck it up buttercup is my advice!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

eight of cups

todays tarot card is the EIGHT of CUPS:
sometimes you just have to let go and walk away from all you've known to find that higher truth that completes you. it can be terrifying to leave that comfort zone and head into the wilderness of the unknown but that is what spirit asks of you at this time. trust that your path will be well lit.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

knight of wands

todays card is the KNIGHT of WANDS:
so who is ready for the MAJOR life change this knight brings? time to get going and allow it to happen. I know sometimes it's difficult to let go and go with the flow when it seems like were riding the rapids on a raft with a hole in it and no paddle. but trust me this is a GOOD thing! why not hold on and enjoy the rush and thrill of the ride. this knight may be a bit overwhelming but you sure cant accuse him of bein boring!

Friday, November 1, 2013

the moon

todays tarot card is the MOON:
she is the master of the unknown, it is her mysteries which humanity have sought the answers since time began. often we don't hear her messages in the waking mind because of all the static white noise we creat...e. her realm is the dream world she will bring you messages if you'll just listen. for those with high psychic ability she will help you to balance and use your gift wisely. la bella luna is the hidden unknown greatness that we all have within. for those brave enough to unlock the gifts she offers you will be bathed in her glow and others will notice. when the moon is at work I often here that there's a "glow" about that person and others will be prone to follow that light.