Monday, August 25, 2014

8 of swords

this IS very EIGHT of SWORDS: we all NEED boundaries, and most people resist because they perceive it in a negative way but boundaries are necessary and while they can be restrictive they also protect you. without boundaries people would simply drive all over the road mangling each other unneccesarily. which is what some do emotionally already. so take off that blindfold you're wearing and think about limitations that work for and protect you. and once they're in place STOP letting people over-step and take advantage of you........and this really applies to your kids as well. the whole not my baby reaction doesn't help, yes your baby cause they've had no limitations and now they're a spoiled brat (DAMN you Dr Spock!) so yank em up short and make them into the person you want them to be (not your buddy, time for that when they're an adult) this also goes for romantic relationships people who don't respect you and your boundaries do NOT change, it will NEVER get better. so respect yourself and love yourself enough to make the hard decisions, you'll not regret self love and self respect.............this also applies to mooch friends and relatives. you did not force them to get drunk call out of work and loose their job and have no obligation to keep saving them, mayhaps tough love is in order. (and anyone who uses their kids to guilt you is a piece of crap!) instead of "seeing" boundaries as a negative visualize them as white light surrounding yu in a bubble of love and safety or a fence covered in the most lovely morning glories. it really is all about perception!



this has always had the ability to move me and tina's voice was MADE for this! here's a brief history in case some don't know.......

The invocation of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo was established by Nichiren Daishonin on April 28, 1253. Having studied widely among all the Buddhist sutras, he had concluded that the Lotus Sutra contains the ultimate truth of Buddhism: that everyone without exception has the potential to attain Buddhahood. The title of the Lotus Sutra in its Japanese translation is Myoho-renge-kyo. But to Nichiren, Myoho-renge-kyo was far more than the title of a Buddhist text, it was the expression, in words, of the Law of life which all Buddhist teachings in one way or another seek to clarify. What follows is a brief and unavoidably limited explanation of some of the key concepts expressed by this phrase.
The word nam derives from Sanskrit. A close translation of its meaning is "to devote oneself." Nichiren established the practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo as a means to enable all people to put their lives in harmony or rhythm with the law of life, or Dharma. In the original Sanskrit, nam indicates the elements of action and attitude, and refers therefore to the correct action one needs to take and the attitude one needs to develop in order to attain Buddhahood in this lifetime.
Myoho literally means the Mystic Law, and expresses the relationship between the life inherent in the universe and the many different ways this life expresses itself. Myo refers to the very essence of life, which is "invisible" and beyond intellectual understanding. This essence always expresses itself in a tangible form (ho) that can be apprehended by the senses. Phenomena (ho) are changeable, but pervading all such phenomena is a constant reality known as myo.
Renge means lotus flower. The lotus blooms and produces seeds at the same time, and thus represents the simultaneity of cause and effect. The circumstances and quality of our individual lives are determined by the causes and effects, both good and bad, that we accumulate (through our thoughts, words and actions) at each moment. This is called our "karma." The law of cause and effect explains that we each have personal responsibility for our own destiny. We create our destiny and we can change it. The most powerful cause we can make is to chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo; the effect of Buddhahood is simultaneously created in the depths of our life and will definitely manifest in time.
The lotus flower grows and blooms in a muddy pond, and yet remains pristine and free from any defilement, symbolizing the emergence of Buddhahood from within the life of an ordinary person.
Kyo literally means sutra, the voice or teaching of a Buddha. In this sense, it also means sound, rhythm or vibration. Also, the Chinese character for kyo originally meant the warp in a piece of woven cloth, symbolizing the continuity of life throughout past, present and future. In a broad sense, kyo conveys the concept that all things in the universe are a manifestation of the Mystic Law.
Primary Practice
Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo--also known as "Daimoku"—is the primary practice of SGI members. Through this practice, one is able to reveal the state of Buddhahood in one's life, experienced as the natural development of joy, increased vitality, courage, wisdom and compassion.

Saturday, August 23, 2014


todays card is the HIGH PRIESTESS:
she IS that inner mystical wisdom, the connection to the ether and the subconscious. she is the magical fountain of universal knowledge that we delve/dive into when we open to dreams (sleeping and waking ones!) she is potential yet unexplored and endless possibility, if you can BElieve it you can BE it, and she can help make it so. words simply cant express the power of the High Priestess (much as I try) for she is unknown and shrouded in mystery and when that knowledge opens to you it's unimaginable and a return to home at the same time. she is what we have forgotten when we enter into this mundane world and what we feel separated from and long for. that's why her mysteries enchant and terrify us in the same breath......
for me she IS the owl and all the owl represents. the mystery of magic, omens, silent wisdom, and seeing in the darkness. historically it was either revered or feared and has been linked to Athena and her wisdom. it has also been linked to Lillith and knows everyone's secrets. and when you work with it all shall be revealed., remain silent and the information will become apparent to you.
she has been speaking to me in dream and signs for a while now and today I honor her as I allow myself to be swept along on this magical ride and rise to the next level on my journey. i came out of the "tarot closet" and started reading professionally on a regular basis over a year ago (I dabbled for 20 years) and it's been transformative and enlightening. today I shall be at the Delmarva Pagan Pride Festival doing readings all day , that's about as front and center as you can get. I KNOW that it's where I'm supposed to be and what I'm supposed to be doing TODAY beyond that is still shrouded but I have a sense that mayhaps the next leg of my journey may be revealed today...........so what do y'all need to allow into your realm of existence, are you resisting change? are you letting those magical ideas evolve into the mundane world? let the energy flow freely and embrace it. take the magical mystery ride and see what happens

Friday, August 22, 2014

tumbling down

todays card of the day is TUMBLING DOWN:
this is from Dreaming Girl Highway inner vision cards by Rebecca Dorian Brown..............
don't take shortcuts or easy ways out. now is the time to slow down or even stop and contemplate the BEST w...ay to move forward. don't give in to the temptation to simply wait and see what happens. be proactive in your life and take pride and responsibility for that which you do!
what does this card say to you? does it bring feelings of fear or excitement? your reaction can give you clues as to how to proceed.
Photo: todays card of the day is TUMBLING DOWN:
this is from Dreaming Girl Highway inner vision cards by Rebecca Dorian Brown..............
don't take shortcuts or easy ways out. now is the time to slow down or even stop and contemplate the BEST way to move forward. don't give in to the temptation to simply wait and see what happens. be proactive in your life and take pride and responsibility for that which you do! 
what does this card say to you? does it bring feelings of fear or excitement? your reaction can give you clues as to how to proceed.

Thursday, August 21, 2014


todays card is JUDGEMENT:
last night in my wonderful history and art class taught by the always fabulous Helena Domenic we did a guided visualization and I chose JUDGEMENT, this is the mary el tarot, in my vision I was shown that it's time ...to release those bonds that hold me down and to turn up the "heat" all the way. burning away any doubt or fear and allowing myself to soar............while given the understanding that not everyone is at the same place on the path and I should temper my fiery passion (especially in what I say) with cool intellect. sharing info doesn't help anyone if you make em so mad they cant "hear" you. I was also shown that many people are preparing to "evolve" and go to that next level and that those of us in the know should do all we can to stoke that fire and help in any way possible..............so free yourself but don't forget those following that fiery trail you have blazed!
Photo: todays card is JUDGEMENT:
last night in my wonderful history and art class taught by the always fabulous Helena Domenic we did a guided visualization and I chose JUDGEMENT, this is the mary el tarot, in my vision I was shown that it's time to release those bonds that hold me down and to turn up the "heat" all the way. burning away any doubt or fear and allowing myself to soar............while given the understanding that not everyone is at the same place on the path and I should temper my fiery passion (especially in what I say) with cool intellect. sharing info doesn't help anyone if you make em so mad they cant "hear" you. I was also shown that many people are preparing to "evolve" and go to that next level and that those of us in the know should do all we can to stoke that fire and help in any way possible..............so free yourself but don't forget those following that fiery trail you have blazed!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

ace of cups

todays card is the ACE of CUPS:
it's time to let go of all that emotional garbage and allow yourself a new way to deal with it. otter teaches how to navigate through the deep "waters" with ease and tells us that being fluid and adaptable is... important. you cant demand or hold to the old ways you've dealt with (or not dealt with) emotional issues/trauma. let go and see what happens mayhaps it's time to bring some playfulness and joy into your life and stop bein so gosh darn serious. you have to age chronologically but you aint dead yet, LIVE a little!
Photo: todays card is the ACE of CUPS:
it's time to let go of all that emotional garbage and allow yourself a new way to deal with it. otter teaches how to navigate through the deep "waters" with ease and tells us that being fluid and adaptable is important. you cant demand or hold to the old ways you've dealt with (or not dealt with) emotional issues/trauma. let go and see what happens mayhaps it's time to bring some playfulness and joy into your life and stop bein so gosh darn serious. you have to age chronologically but you aint dead yet, LIVE a little!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

3 of swords

todays card is the THREE of SWORDS:
I'm using an image form the soon to be released The Fountain Tarot and while it holds the traditional symbols it allows for a new approach to this old injury.
that pain and disappointment that you haven'...t been able to deal with and have walled up and locked away years or even decades ago is still there festering inside. even if you don't realize it the affects on you are happening, now is the time to let it go and let Spirit/God. instead of tearing that old wound open and dealing with the raw emotion and pain be smart about it, figure it out with cool calm intellect and then do what you need to do to release it. forgive yourself and those who wronged you, not for them, but for you cause YOU deserve to happy and whole without that old ballast holding you down...... the image has become clear so you will understand what you need to do and how to proceed and you'll feel so much better when all that pent up emotion/energy/chi starts flowing freely again.
Photo: todays card is the THREE of SWORDS:
I'm using an image form the soon to be released The Fountain Tarot and while it holds the traditional symbols it allows for a new approach to this old injury. 
that pain and disappointment that you haven't been able to deal with and have walled up and locked away years or even decades ago is still there festering inside. even if you don't realize it the affects on you are happening, now is the time to let it go and let Spirit/God. instead of tearing that old wound open and dealing with the raw emotion and pain be smart about it, figure it out with cool calm intellect and then do what you need to do to release it. forgive yourself and those who wronged you, not for them, but for you cause YOU deserve to happy and whole without that old ballast holding you down...... the image has become clear so you will understand what you need to do and how to proceed and you'll feel so much better when all that pent up emotion/energy/chi starts flowing freely again.

Monday, August 11, 2014

cleopatra and pocahontas

whilst posting my weekly cards something just popped into my head........I think mayhaps Cleoptra and Pocahontas were one and the same woman and mayhaps even the muse Calliope she after all was the one who influenced kings down thru history................
The Nine Muses of the Greek Mythology

“Sing to me oh Muse”… The Nine Muses of the Greek Mythology were deities that gave artists, philosophers and individuals the necessary inspiration for creation.

Hesiod reveals that they were called Muses or Mouses in Greek, as the Greek word “mosis” refers to the desire and wish. The word museum also comes from the Greek Muses.

The Nine Muses were: Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomeni, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Ourania and Calliope.

All the ancient writers appeal to the Muses at the beginning of their work. Homer asks the Muses both in the Iliad and Odyssey to help him tell the story in the most proper way, and until today the Muses are symbols of inspiration and artistic creation.

In painting the Muses are usually presented as ethereal women with divine beauty, holding laurels and other items depending on their faculty.

The 9 Muses are dancing while Apollo is playing the lyre
The 9 Muses are dancing while Apollo is playing the lyre

The Muses in the Greek Mythology

muse-with-lyreAccording to the Greek Myths, God Zeus bewildered the young woman Mnemosyne and slept with her for nine consecutive nights. The result of their encounter was the Nine Muses, who were similar to everything.

Μnemosyne gave the babies to Nymph Eufime and God Apollo. When they grew up they showed their tendency to the arts, taught by God Apollo himself.

They were not interested in anything of the regular human everyday life and they wanted to dedicate their lives to the Arts. Apollo brought them to the big and beautiful Mount Elikonas, where the older Temple of Zeus used to be. Ever since, the Muses supported and encouraged creation, enhancing imagination and inspiration of the artists.

Muses and Arts

According to the Greek Mythology, two Muses invented theory and practice in learning, three Muses invented the musical vibrations in Lyre, four Muses invented the four known dialects in the language – Attica, Ionian, Aeolian and Dorian – and five muses the five human senses. Seven muses invented the seven chords of the lyre, the seven celestial zones, the seven planets and the seven vocals of the Greek Alphabet.

Analytically the Nine Muses are:

1. Clio: The Muse Clio discovered history and guitar. History was named Clio in the ancient years, because it refers to “kleos” the Greek word for the heroic acts. Clio was always represented with a clarion in the right arm and a book in the left hand.

2. Euterpe: Muse Euterpe discovered several musical instruments, courses and dialectic. She was always depicted holding a flute, while many instruments were always around her.

3. Thalia: Muse Thalia was the protector of comedy; she discovered comedy, geometry, architectural science and agriculture. She was also protector of Symposiums. She was always depicted holding a theatrical – comedy mask.

4. Melpomene: Opposite from Thalia, Muse Melpomene was the protector of Tragedy; she invented tragedy, rhetoric speech and Melos. She was depicted holding a tragedy mask and usually bearing a bat.

5. Terpsichore: Terpsichore was the protector of dance; she invented dances, the harp and education. She was called Terpsichore because she was enjoying and having fun with dancing ( “Terpo” in Greek refers to be amused). She was depicted wearing laurels on her head, holding a harp and dancing.

6. Erato: Muse Erato was the protector of Love and Love Poetry – as well as wedding. Her name comes from the Greek word “Eros” that refers to the feeling of falling in love. She was depicted holding a lyre and love arrows and bows.

7. Polymnia: Muse Polymnia was the protector of the divine hymns and mimic art; she invented geometry and grammar. She was depicted looking up to the Sky, holding a lyre.

8. Ourania: Muse Ourania was the protector of the celestial objects and stars; she invented astronomy. She was always depicted bearing stars, a celestial sphere and a bow compass.

9. Calliope: Muse Calliope was the superior Muse. She was accompanying kings and princes in order to impose justice and serenity. She was the protector of heroic poems and rhetoric art. According to the myth, Homer asks from Calliope to inspire him while writing Iliad and Odyssey, and, thus, Calliope is depicted holding laurels in one hand and the two Homeric poems in the other hand.

The Nine Muses have been inspiring artists since the antiquity and there countless paintings, drawings, designs, poems and statues dedicated to them. All artists of the Renaissance acknowledged their importance in artistic creation, dedicating their works to the Muses.

these are as historically accurate as I could get, the Cleopatra is a recreation from an actual bust found and the Pocahontas is an actual portrait

Sunday, August 10, 2014


todays card is STRENGTH:
when we think of strength we think of raw power the will to bend things to do as we wish, but true strength is patience and understanding. it's calming the beast that dwells within us all and allowing that gentle un...derstanding to color our interactions with others. true strength is having the courage to trust the universal flow and go with it even when it feels terrifying............so that old saying of counting to ten before you react is brilliant. it allows you to diffuse that instinctive flight or fight mechanism in our very DNA and to allow compassion and blessing be that for which you are known to the world.

Photo: todays card is STRENGTH:
when we think of strength we think of raw power the will to bend things to do as we wish, but true strength is patience and understanding. it's calming the beast that dwells within us all and allowing that gentle understanding to color our interactions with others. true strength is having the courage to trust the universal flow and go with it even when it feels terrifying............so that old saying of counting to ten before you react is brilliant. it allows you to diffuse that instinctive flight or fight mechanism in our very DNA and to allow compassion and blessing be that for which you are known to the world.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

five of wands

todays card is the FIVE of WANDS:
5's often bring chaos and turmoil and that is true of the wands as well. the wands are that fire and passionate energy, it's chi, life-force. tis true that there can be confusion all around but you can chos...e to be the eye in the storm, move with the flow and treat it as life's dance. you don't have to buy into other peoples nonsense and drive yourself to distraction being reactionary. I see it as a moving meditation concentrate on your breath and the movement and let the emotion go.............after all when you understand whats going on you can let the beauty of the moment be all that matters while everyone else is sparring!

Photo: todays card is the FIVE of WANDS:
5's often bring chaos and turmoil and that is true of the wands as well. the wands are that fire and passionate energy, it's chi, life-force. tis true that there can be confusion all around but you can chose to be the eye in the storm, move with the flow and treat it as life's dance. you don't have to buy into other peoples nonsense and drive yourself to distraction being reactionary. I see it as a moving meditation concentrate on your breath and the movement and let the emotion go.............after all when you understand whats going on you can let the beauty of the moment be all that matters while everyone else is sparring!