Sunday, September 29, 2013

wheel of fortune, EXCLAIM, AND METATRON

today we spin the wheel, the WHEEL of FORTUNE:
this is a change of fortune, many possibilities are at hand and the lesson is a karmic one! now is the time to combine balance with opportunity and courage. you have reached for this and now it's within your grasp, so make sure you hang on tight! life is cylindrical in nature and this card is neither good nor bad it simply IS.
Photo: today we spin the wheel, the WHEEL of FORTUNE:
this is a change of fortune, many possibilities are at hand and the lesson is a karmic one! now is the time to combine balance with opportunity and courage. you have reached for this and now it's within your grasp, so make sure you hang on tight! life is cylindrical in nature and this card is neither good nor bad it simply IS.

todays touched by a horse card is EXCLAIM:
proclaim your true self! proclaim your thoughts, feelings, and deepest desires. for a while now, you have been swallowing your personal truth. you may have been staying on the sidelines and harbori...ng your thoughts. you may not have felt free to put them forth. you are now being called out. this is time for you to become a force to be reckoned with. spirit asks you to stride forward with confidence and exclaim your personal truth. as you see your truth, you also acknowledge that it may not be other peoples' truth. you recognize it as uniquely yours and support it as such. step up...charge forth...trust yourself and your truth. say all things without needing the approval or agreement of others. say your truth without making others wrong. come out of your silence and into your future.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

determination, the six of swords

todays touched with a horse card is DETERMINATION:
your journey at this time may be full of blockages and limiting beliefs. it is with determination that you will prevail. seek deep within your spirit the true "why" of your desires at prese...nt. when you find the answer to your "why" , ask deeper yet to the level beneath, until you uncover your true motivation. from that spot frame your will and focus all of your energy. you shall be fueled by the emotions creating the drive behind this move. once you have explored and come in true contact with the depth of the emotional leverage that comes from discovering your true "why" you may summon all of your resources to form the necessary determination to break through the limiting beliefs to your desired outcome. determine to succeed.

Photo: todays touched with a horse card is DETERMINATION:
your journey at this time may be full of blockages and limiting beliefs. it is with determination that you will prevail. seek deep within your spirit the true "why" of your desires at present. when you find the answer to your "why" , ask deeper yet to the level beneath, until you uncover your true motivation. from that spot frame your will and focus all of your energy. you shall be fueled by the emotions creating the drive behind this move. once you have explored and come in true contact with the depth of the emotional leverage that comes from discovering your true "why" you may summon all of your resources to form the necessary determination to break through the limiting beliefs to your desired outcome. determine to succeed.

todays tarot card is the SIX of SWORDS:
this is all about taking on honor bound responsibility and the fear and angst that can go along with it. let go of the fear in the end you'll get satisfaction and unexpected joy out of it. life has a way of rewarding us when we step up and do more than is required.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

the hanged man

todays tarot card is the HANGED MAN:
this is the spiritwalker, the one who walks the fences between the two worlds, spiritual and physical. this is a wonderful fence to walk as long as you remain balanced. falling into martyrdom for the gre...ater good is a possibility. the shaman would shift to find into for the greater good of his tribe or to affect healing, or bounty for all. his own power belongs to those he serves. in modern times the role has moved more towards that of a spiritual survivor but healing still takes place and it's a very magical role still played out on a cosmic level.
I myself strive to keep/find a balance between the modern world and the ancient call in feel in my blood and soul. all the trappings we so cling to are illusion and no one sees that better than the hanged man. this duality plays out for me on so many levels. I was born a Gemini , I am Two Spirit, and I exist in both realms. oftentimes my "reality" is spiritual but I must affect changes on the physical so it becomes about action/reaction, cause and effect. this often frightened me as a child since there was nary a soul around to explain what I was seeing/feeling, the journey to self discover is fraught with danger/fear but so worth the effort. the veil is lifting more each day and I wait with baited breath to see what tomorrow shall bring!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

nine of wands

todays tarot card is the NINE of WANDS:
this is all about bein on "guard" emotionally. you carry the scars from the battles you've fought against an enemy no longer there. let go of fear/superstition and allow yourself to heal, you're smart...er now so take the knowledge you gained from the life lesson and put your life and heart back together. if there are future battles you're better prepared to handle them now, just stay grounded and prepare for the next level in your evolution.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

cleaning chakras,uncertainty, and the king of swords

todays archangel card is CHAKRA CLEARING:
Archangel Metatron: "call upon me to clear and open your chakras, using sacred geometric shapes"
I felt pulled to get more info on Metatron and it's interesting!
Metatron (Hebrew מטטרון) or Mattatr...on (a differentiation of Metatron[1]) is an archangel in Judaism. According to Jewish medieval apocrypha, he is Enoch, ancestor of Noah, transformed into an angel. There are no references to Metatron as an angel in the Jewish Tanakh or Christian scriptures (New and Old Testament); however, Genesis 5:24 is often cited as evidence of Enoch's bodily ascension into heaven —"And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him." Although he is mentioned in a few brief passages in the Talmud, Metatron appears primarily in medieval Jewish mystical texts and other post-scriptural esoteric and occult sources, such as the Books of Enoch
...........todays broadcast of The Tarot Talk at 3pm eastern is about the tarot and angels with an expert in angelology so i'll be asking more about him then!

Photo: ‎todays archangel card is CHAKRA CLEARING:
Archangel Metatron: "call upon me to clear and open your chakras, using sacred geometric shapes"
I felt pulled to get more info on Metatron and it's interesting! 
Metatron (Hebrew מטטרון) or Mattatron (a differentiation of Metatron[1]) is an archangel in Judaism. According to Jewish medieval apocrypha, he is Enoch, ancestor of Noah, transformed into an angel. There are no references to Metatron as an angel in the Jewish Tanakh or Christian scriptures (New and Old Testament); however, Genesis 5:24 is often cited as evidence of Enoch's bodily ascension into heaven —"And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him." Although he is mentioned in a few brief passages in the Talmud, Metatron appears primarily in medieval Jewish mystical texts and other post-scriptural esoteric and occult sources, such as the Books of Enoch
...........todays broadcast of The Tarot Talk at 3pm eastern is about the tarot and angels with an expert in angelology so i'll be asking more about him then!‎

todays touched by a horse card is UNCERTAINTY:
the unknown and yet-to-be-revealed is always a mystery. you may recently have been trying to control the uncontrollable. you may have been seeking security, predictability, and all that fells c...ertain creates s sacrifice that you must examine at this time: a life without adventure or passion. your desire for all that is comfortable and safe is natural; yet, at this time, you are being asked to take a risk. let go of your need to know all outcomes, and become willing to trust. breathe, and with that breath take faith that some level of uncertainty will enrich your life more fully than you can imagine. only to the degree with which you handle uncertainty can your life be fully charged.
I "GET" this message I understand it yet I live in the real world I have bills to pay and obligations to meet. so I cant simply trust that i'll make enough money doin tarot to quit my mundane job completely I cut back to 4 days a week, which has worked well but this week I had to miss a day and of course NO readings at all not a sinle one and nothing yet scheduled for next week. I blog, i'm doin blogradio, I facebook, and yet it's not there quite yet. I cant afford to advertise and I don't want to do phone readings. I prefer face to face and we're getting close to winter when the festival circuit will be done so the options are narrowing. mayhaps i'll set up a webpage and take paypal payments. I don't do well with total uncertainty but I do trust spirit so i'm tryin to find a balance . it will all work its-self out , it always does!

Photo: todays touched by a horse card is UNCERTAINTY:
the unknown and yet-to-be-revealed is always a mystery. you may recently have been trying to control the uncontrollable. you may have been seeking security, predictability, and all that fells certain creates s sacrifice that you must examine at this time: a life without adventure or passion. your desire for all that is comfortable and safe is natural; yet, at this time, you are being asked to take a risk. let go of your need to know all outcomes, and become willing to trust. breathe, and with that breath take faith that some level of uncertainty will enrich your life more fully than you can imagine. only to the degree with which you handle uncertainty can your life be fully charged. 
I "GET" this message I understand it yet I live in the real world I have bills to pay and obligations to meet. so I cant simply trust that i'll make enough money doin tarot to quit my mundane job completely I cut back to 4 days a week, which has worked well but this week I had to miss a day and of course NO readings at all not a sinle one and nothing yet scheduled for next week. I blog, i'm doin blogradio, I facebook, and yet it's not there quite yet. I cant afford to advertise and I don't want to do phone readings. I prefer face to face and we're getting close to winter when the festival circuit will be done so the options are narrowing. mayhaps i'll set up a webpage and take paypal payments. I don't do well with total uncertainty but I do trust spirit so i'm tryin to find a balance . it will all work its-self out , it always does!

todays tarot card is the KING of SWORDS:
he is a fair judge compare to the justice card good at dealing with conflict. he is a master of the intellect usually in a position of authority (could be a judge or ceo) he's willing to listen to al...l sides before rendering a decision and is understanding but do not mess with him. it will not sit well and you will not like the decisive manner punishment is handed out. he is all about right and wrong but it's tempered with mercy. this is who you want in charge if you need to settle an issue! so don't fret do what you must and trust that as long as you're dealing above-board and for your highest good and the good of all the outcome is favorable.

Friday, September 20, 2013

in between, the four of wands, and gifts from God

todays touched by a horse card is IN BETWEEN:
you are no longer naïve, yet you are still innocent about the situation at hand. you have stepped into this situation and have become more independent, yet you are not ready to move fully into i...t at this time. you are truly in between. you have permission to pause, collect all of your thoughts and experiences, and slow the pace of your maturing at this time. the situation will wait for your part to be played. divine timing will unfold. no decision must be made right now; no action must be taken. you need not step further nor turn back. breathe-integrate-pause-reflect-and rest before continuing your path.
a message i'm not sure I want to hear but mayhaps need to. I really am trying to find a balance in my professional life. figuring out when i'm not acting due to listening to a real instinct or just letting fear take over has been an ongoing issue for me. see I tend to run towards fear which isn't always the best way in a professional sense. the ebb and flow of being a reader makes me trust and not have control. I get a ton of readings one week and none the next by doin appointment only. I've thought about doin online readings, or getting into the party/festival circuit, etc etc. but nothing has jumped out at me thusfar. so spirit a clear sign would be most welcome! lol

Photo: todays touched by a horse card is IN BETWEEN:
you are no longer naïve, yet you are still innocent about the situation at hand. you have stepped into this situation and have become more independent, yet you are not ready to move fully into it at this time. you are truly in between. you have permission to pause, collect all of your thoughts and experiences, and slow the pace of your maturing at this time. the situation will wait for your part to be played. divine timing will unfold. no decision must be made right now; no action must be taken. you need not step further nor turn back. breathe-integrate-pause-reflect-and rest before continuing your path.
a message i'm not sure I want to hear but mayhaps need to.  I really am trying to find a balance in my professional life. figuring out when i'm not acting due to listening to a real instinct or just letting fear take over has been an ongoing issue for me. see I tend to run towards fear which isn't always the best way in a professional sense. the ebb and flow of being a reader makes me trust and not have control. I get a ton of readings one week and none the next by doin appointment only. I've thought about doin online readings, or getting into the party/festival circuit, etc etc. but nothing has jumped out at me thusfar. so spirit a clear sign would be most welcome! lol

todays tarot card is the FOUR of WANDS:
this is a blessed celebration a themed event with more than 50 people attending. it's something you should attend with joy for the intent of the event. there will be all types of people there and the purpose should bring everyone together. if you're wondering whether or not you should go, STOP! put on your party clothes and dancing shoes and have a glorious time!
Photo: todays tarot card is the FOUR of WANDS:
this is a blessed celebration a themed event with more than 50 people attending. it's something you should attend with joy for the intent of the event. there will be all types of people there and the purpose should bring everyone together. if you're wondering whether or not you should go, STOP! put on your party clothes and dancing shoes and have a glorious time!

todays Archangel card is GIFTS FROM GOD:
Archangel Sandalphon; " we angels bring you gifts from your Creator. open your arms to receive"

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

the 1st step of the fool!

I wanna talk about the most important part of the journey, that first step into the leap of faith. it's much easier to sit on the sidelines and simply exist in your mundane world than it is to LIVE! but imagine the world without the risk ta...kers, the artists, poets, scientists, explorers, and yes religious leaders too. Jesus, Buddha, and too many others to mention.
this truly does exist in many of the cards but the FOOL is the journey , the beginning, and if he never took risks there would be no journey at all. some think he's naïve , I think he's merely inncocent and not weighed down by trouble and doubt. he's that brave baby taking the 1st step into the unknown. every single triumph humanity has had began with that walk into the unknown. there truly is nothing to fear except fear. what happens if you fail or fall down? you get up and keep goin but you learn something with each step that makes you wiser and stronger too. mishaps lead to joy and the path is never-ending. no one is truly alone as the universe and all who dwell in it are energy that are one. we are connected and therefore there's nothing to fear...........so I say to you like a father/mother encouraging that 1st step "come on you can do it!"

Monday, September 16, 2013

king of pentacles

todays tarot card is the KING of PENTACLES:
this is where I wanna be and mayhaps i'm closer than I know!
benevolence, the lord of the manor. an honest man whose word is his bond. very reliable, I also tend to "buy" people not out of malice ...but tis a weakness, despite myself growing up without a lot of material things I tend to feel that stuff equals love and I often show my affection by extravagant gifts. that bein said life is VERY good to me and I do enjoy it!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

sunflowers and the sun

we can always find inspiration and direction from nature is we just pay attention. sunflowers just popped into my head and my grandma always grew them. i'd stare and stare at them they fascinated me, I also adore eating the seeds. so I can ...get physical as well as spiritual nourishment from them. I looked them up in one of my go-to books Ted Andrews Nature Speak:
keynotes a time of happiness and well being; healing energy strong. sunflowers always turn to face the sun this is what they teach us to always face the higher light in all we do. in spiritual work it's presence opens up the realm of all Sun Gods. it reminds us to find our own power and our own means of self actualization. it increases the sense of happiness and well being within the auric field. it's appearance alerts us to coming opportunities for happiness, healing, and well-being..............
such a wonderful insight for me and interesting since the masculine sun gods are not energies I have worked with I tend to be more at home with lunar moon goddesses. but as always I shall listen to the universal messages I receive an open myself to what lies ahead!

Photo: we can always find inspiration and direction from nature is we just pay attention. sunflowers just popped into my head and my grandma always grew them. i'd stare and stare at them they fascinated me, I also adore eating the seeds. so I can get physical as well as spiritual nourishment from them. I looked them up in one of my go-to books Ted Andrews Nature Speak:
keynotes a time of happiness and well being; healing energy strong. sunflowers always turn to face the sun this is what they teach us to always face the higher light in all we do. in spiritual work it's presence opens up the realm of all Sun Gods. it reminds us to find our own power and our own means of self actualization.  it increases the sense of happiness and well being within the auric field. it's appearance alerts us to coming opportunities for happiness, healing, and well-being..............
such a wonderful insight for me and interesting since the masculine sun gods are not energies I have worked with I tend to be more at home with lunar moon goddesses. but as always I shall listen to the universal messages I receive an open myself to what lies ahead!

since the sunflower has appeared to me mayhaps I should take a deeper look into the SUN its-self:
rebirth but only after an ending can there be a renewal. this is enlightenment, greatness, vitality, assurance. it is dawn the sun has risen, ...he comes to me to show I am a light in the world sent here to illuminate. I have lived through the darkness for only after knowing darkness can you recognize light. I am to go forth and spread my knowledge so that others can know/understand. I must bathe in his warmth/fire burning away all the old and allowing the new to ascend. I step like a phoenix from my ashes, I have passed judgment and am once again whole, innocent as a child, vibrant, strong, ready to step forth and take my place among the living lights that guide us all.


3 of swords, seeking direction, and spread your wings

todays card is the THREE of SWORDS:
this is an old pain, you have NOT dealt with it but walled it up and let it fester instead of dealing with it. that can works for a time new skin grows over the unhealed wound but eventually you just real...ly have to re-open the wound and deal with it. and you know what it's not as bad as you remember. time and distance have given you a new perspective and the skills to deal with this now. it's time to move forward and allow new opportunities into your life but this must be dealt with first. don't pretend the pain isn't real or doesn't matter it does, so just work through it. it may be a process that's not pleasant but it's one you'll never regret.
this is fleeting, the storm has past and now you can clean up the debris. stop hesitating and fretting you have lived through the dark period, so isn't it about time for you to shine!

Photo: todays card is the THREE of SWORDS:
this is an old pain, you have NOT dealt with it but walled it up and let it fester instead of dealing with it. that can works for a time new skin grows over the unhealed wound but eventually you just really have to re-open the wound and deal with it. and you know what it's not as bad as you remember. time and distance have given you a new perspective and the skills to deal with this now. it's time to move forward and allow new opportunities into your life but this must be dealt with first. don't pretend the pain isn't real or doesn't matter it does, so just work through it. it may be a process that's not pleasant but it's one you'll never regret. 
this is fleeting, the storm has past and now you can clean up the debris. stop hesitating and fretting you have lived through the dark period, so isn't it about time for you to shine!

todays "touched by a horse card" is SEEKING DIRECTION:
of late you have been in a place if indecision about which path or direction to take. the question is not as difficult as you perceive it to be. ask yourself which direction will create... the most peace in your life. one path will lead you toward your own good and the good of others, and will serve the greater good. one direction takes you a step closer to your divine purpose. your heart knows the direction as it seeks peace: peace, purpose, and light for all who are involved. choose carefully, as this may not be expressed as the easier path or as the one with the quickest resolution to your current turmoil. seek with a higher mind. the key here is the greater good overall. the decision does not have to be made today. be at peace and choose with grace.
I really needed to hear this today. I have so much on my plate and so many things to choose from and like it or not money does matter. I don't need to be rich but I do need to be self-sufficient and have enough to not be living from payday to payday without panicing if i'm gonna make it. I also spend FREELY , nothing extravagant but I buy whatever I want when ever I want it. and we all know patience has never been a virtue of mine! lolol

Photo: todays "touched by a horse card" is SEEKING DIRECTION:
of late you have been in a place if indecision about which path or direction to take. the question is not as difficult as you perceive it to be. ask yourself which direction will create the most peace in your life. one path will lead you toward your own good and the good of others, and will serve the greater good. one direction takes you a step closer to your divine purpose. your heart knows the direction as it seeks peace: peace, purpose, and light for all who are involved. choose carefully, as this may not be expressed as the easier path or as the one with the quickest resolution to your current turmoil. seek with a higher mind. the key here is the greater good overall. the decision does not have to be made today. be at peace and choose with grace.
I really needed to hear this today. I have so much on my plate and so many things to choose from and like it or not money does matter. I don't need to be rich but I do need to be self-sufficient and have enough to not be living from payday to payday without panicing if i'm gonna make it. I also spend FREELY , nothing extravagant but I buy whatever I want when ever I want it. and we all know patience has never been a virtue of mine! lolol

todays Archangel card is SPREAD YOUR WINGS:
Archangel Ariel: " do not hold back right now. the timing is perfect, and you are ready to soar!"
seems to be a mixed message here for timmy today, my horse is sayin to take my time and find direction and my angel is sayin to take that leap of faith and jump NOW! mayhaps as a Gemini I should do both i'll leap and while soaring I shall find the direction I seek!

Friday, September 13, 2013

the magician

TONIGHTS tarot card (better late than never! lol) is the MAGICIAN:
this is mastery, confidence, control of you energy and how you direct it. he is the cosmic shaman who can evoke his will. this IS the universal life-force, he is the male fo...rm of infinity and his messages are brought swiftly and directly as he is also Hermes. part of getting the job done is in just doing it. he can help you to lay aside passion and le your intellect control the situation at hand. so if he's come into your life it's time to pull your head out of the clouds and stop breathing the ether and simply put in the work/thought needed, don't dally or pussyfoot around at this time. confront what you need top head on and make it happen! he is the grace, virtue, and light from above reflecting below and that power is available to those willing to grasp it firmly and direct it precisely, so make sure you KNOW what needs be done before you call on him! and of course when you call upon the magician expect MAGYK to happen!See More

Thursday, September 12, 2013

the star

todays tarot card is the STAR:
she's all about serenity. achieving balance and harmony in the physical, spiritual, and mental realms. when you're in tune with her, your intuition is on point, your energy goes where it is needed, and you hav...e what you need. if she's showing up to help you and you're not in balance you are in total and utter chaos and you need to STOP! NOW! take a firm grip on yourself and pay attention to what you need to do. mayhaps it's time you learn to trust those instincts and do what you know you should regardless of what others may say. also pay close attention to your dreams at this time I highly recommend keeping a dream journal. it's mu8ch easier for spirit to contact you in the land of dreams, the veil is thinner and the "white noise" of the waking mind isn't there to interfere. whatever she's shown up for in you life the star can help you realize those dreams you may not even know you have!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

the emperor

todays tarot card is the EMPEROR:
he is idependent, forceful, dynamic, austere at times and can be uptight. he likes his structure and discipline and has no time or pity for those who can't live up to his standards. he is in a leadership ro...le and his will be done! I am power and control, my knowledge and power are mine to use when I please. I set a course and I do not deviate, emotion has no bearing on my path. having power shall do you no good unless you possess the focus to use it to attain your goals. he climbed his way to the top by sheer will and he gained wisdom on the journey. he will help you as/if you help yourself but his "advice" can read more like an edict and deviation will not set well with him. not a man you want to cross for he will win the battle and probably cut you off at the knees in the process. very much an ODIN/ZEUS type energy.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

the high priestess, harmony, and clairvoyance

todays card is the HIGH PRIESTESS:
she controls mystics and mystery the crossroads between spirit and earth. as are all women she is the beginning and the end. her power is the unknown, the hidden that which is unseen. delve into the myste...ry that is life use the knowledge between birth and death that is hers. life its-self , the subconscious, and all that is beneath the surface are known to her. serenity is her realm. when the high priestess comes to you knowledge of the unknown can be gained. she opens the vaults of the Akashic Records and teaches you the divine.

Photo: todays card is the HIGH PRIESTESS:
 she controls mystics and mystery the crossroads between spirit and earth. as are all women she is the beginning and the end. her power is the unknown, the hidden that which is unseen. delve into the mystery that is life use the knowledge between birth and death that is hers. life its-self , the subconscious, and all that is beneath the surface are known to her. serenity is her realm. when the high priestess comes to you knowledge of the unknown can be gained. she opens the vaults of the Akashic Records and teaches you the divine

todays "touched by a horse card" is HARMONY:
vibrations of love and acceptance are emanating from you and around you at this time. you are seeking peace and simplicity at this juncture and offer the same to everyone about you. notice all th...e beauty around you. open your heart, sharing affirmations, affection, and love with those you care about.your innate ability to seek harmony and to create it where it is lacking makes you a magnet to others. gentleness, peace, love, and beauty are your tools as you are living your true purpose. at this time, seek to sustain tranquility, simplicity, and harmony in your journey.

Photo: todays "touched by a horse card" is HARMONY:
vibrations of love and acceptance are emanating from you and around you at this time. you are seeking peace and simplicity at this juncture and offer the same to everyone about you. notice all the beauty around you. open your heart, sharing affirmations, affection, and love with those you care about.your innate ability to seek harmony and to create it where it is lacking makes you a magnet to others. gentleness, peace, love, and beauty are your tools as you are living your true purpose. at this time, seek to sustain tranquility, simplicity, and harmony in your journey.
todays archangel card is CLAIRVOYANCE:
Archangel Raziel: "I am helping your spiritual sight to awaken fully so you can clearly see Heavenly love.
no matter what form it may manifest pay attention to all............dreams, visions, fletting images . however spirit may choose to share you're gift accept it with gratitude.


Monday, September 9, 2013

8 of swords

todays card is the EIGHT of SWORDS:
the eight is all about restriction, but it's a restriction that is self imposed. you have either set limits upon yourself in order to get ahead or to get by. sometimes restriction is a good thing as in ch...oosing to live a healthy life-style and avoid things that we know are harmful to us. this can also be a part of recovery where we stop the things that we are addicted to. that can include sticking to a budget so that we can save for a rainy day or a trip etc etc. the trick is to feel free by focusing on what the restriction represents, that long term benefit that can seem so very far out of reach. well hang in there because i'm here to tell you it's totally worth it and you'll be so very glad you stuck to your plan when it pays of, and pay off it shall!
the other side is darker it's allowing ones self to be trapped by fear. do not stay in a situation that is harmful to you be it a bad relationship or a job that brings you misery. that is simply letting yourself be a prisoner of isolation for there are no real ties binding you. it's all in your head and you can leave, the reality is so much less imposing than what you believe. if you have allowed yourself to be trapped in a dark place out of fear, open your eyes and shine the light of truth on the situation you'll see the monster you were afraid of is a shadow creature and not real at all. you were/are stuck simply because you believe it to be so. it is a self fulfilling prophecy but as with anything you have the power to loosen the shackles and begin anew.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

2 readings

this is another querent, mind, body, spirit reading for a friend
you've been learning to deal with emotions in a new way and as you evolve you'll be able to deal with things in a much more kind/gentle way with yours...elf. it seems you tend to put the brunt of everything on you. unconditional love starts with ourselves and that is where I feel you're headed now. that confidence and joy in owning our lives on an emotional level is a heady elixir indeed.
mind: SIX of SWORDS
you tend to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders and you kinda like it that way. the responsibility you accept for everyone brings you as much joy as it does frustration. you choose the caregiver role as a life path and that's gonna continue. as much as it scares you sometimes letting others down really isn't an option or in your dna. even when you think others are disappointed in you, they're not. i'm not sure you understand the difference you make in the world, but it's made better by your presence!

you need to pay attention to your health and wellness. you KNOW what you need to do, so why don't you always follow through. I feel like sometimes the body part of the trinity is the least looked after. balance is really important here. I feel like you need to take the time to eat healthy (all the time) and to move as well. if you don't meditate I think a moving mediation might just be the trick. mayhaps yoga or thai chi. look around and find what speaks to you then make time for it in your life.

spirit: FIVE of CUPS
I feel a little bruised as if you've went through a lot in the last year or so. it seems like grieving to me, you must strive to remember all that is good in your life and the world in general. make it the focus of your everyday life. cut negative words out of your vocabulary and make an effort to avoid those people and places that bring you down or stress you. you have so much being offered to you by the universe make sure you look around you and enjoy it!

this is a reading I created for my friend sasha. the first card is the querent: SEVEN of PENTACLES
your focus needs to be on getting to that next level. honing your craft, working on prosperity. this could mean a new job or promotion or sim...ply focusing an continuing your education/training. whatever way it appears in your life go for it. you have the drive and energy to move up at this time.
mind: KING of WANDS
you need to trust what your mind is telling you, sometimes others do know better and it's ok to take criticism and adapt it to your betterment. you have a very creative mind and can do well in dealing with the public. oftentimes this energy is perfectly adapted to jobs where perception plays an important role. you have a great understanding of what you do but it's important to present it to others in a manner that doesn't seem smug or condescending. very charming but make sure that comes off as real and doesn't cross over into feeling phony.
body: the FOOL
if you haven't started that new health regime yet now is the time. you have enjoyed general good health but mayhaps not by anything you've done. this feels like it involves distance for me so perhaps a 5k or bicycling, swimming. there's an opportunity to kick it into gear and become that uber-healthy person others look to for inspiration. since the fool is here just remember the journey begins with a single step, if you're waiting for a sign or gonna start tomorrow I suggest you get off your arse and do it NOW!
spirit: TEN of CUPS
this card represents what your greatest wish and highest goal is. it's an expectation that all will be as it should be. it's the "HAPPY" card, and that is after all what we want most in life. all hopes can come to fruition is you simply believe and make it so. so erase that doubt from your mind trust that you're surrounded with love and light and exist in joy and bliss. people may still occasionally fail and not meet your expectations and that's ok that's on them you can't control others actions but your reaction is all on you if you KNOW that happiness and joy are the natural state you are to remain in then it frees you to forgive and get past anything. you simply have to love yourself enough to live your bliss!